Nov 24, 2004 23:18
1) so anywayz... i stayed up with Dave nd kept playin "1 more" game of socom ever since 1am, that waz a lot of "1 more game" sayingz til 4am, haha
2) Didnt wake up for my dentist appointment, mother dearest barged in like a monster, nd scared me 1/2 off the bed... almost pissed my pantz in a mere second... she said she called like 20 timez (i didn't even hear one ring, haha, thnx 2 my consience & Dave, now he'z got some away message sayin he'z eatin ice cream & playin socom right in front of the fire, then he sayz it'z romantic "crazy dave")
3) SHOT OUT 2 MAH GANGSTA... The Tan Man, cuz he'z a funny lil man... w/an ATTITUDE!
4) oh man, so i talked with my dentist for way 2 long, it waz pretty funny actually, even tho i came about 30 minz late, she told me she didnt care, i still had 2 apologize a million nd 1 timez
5) Got home, ate, worked on paper... HA... talked on phone, then went back to paper... HA HA... more phone and food, thennnnnn paper, WOHOO, wait no, i had 2 read the poems first... then i got uber tired cuz i only got like 4 hrz of sleep, so i felt i deserved a 1hr nap, haha, mother dearest didn't really agree w/that call, oh well, so i did it anywayz... got up, started paper nd worked on it like a mad man... WOOPZIEZ, ppl talked 2 me on aim, so of course i had 2 talk 2 em back, nd then go back to my paper...
6) My plan waz 2 finish my paper before a set time, so i could hand it in nd see a bud from college that came down, but i can only see 2night, cuz he'z goin 2 another state 4 the rest of the vacation (ok, so me nd Mark just bet how many paragraphs that i will type today, nd i promised him that i'm jus gunna let the typin flow itz own course... i picked 13 & he picked 11 1/2 haha)so i waz gunna meet em at "the incredibles" at 9:30 at the Ultrascreen, cuz that place iz big & there'z no place we can't go nd not have millionz of laughz... but that fell thru when my mom told me she'd let me know if i could go to the movie after i finish my paper... she told me "no," so i became quite sad... told K-diggidy about it nd so he went 2 a movie w/some other peepz
7) So i printed my paper nd left on a sad note, but i waz done with A KEARNEY PAPER, so my mood changed in a second nd i blasted on some Flogging Molly... that'z right bitchez, FLOGGING FUCKING MOLLY, man i love them... i wanna have their baby, i mean, no i don't, who said that?... got to Kearney'z house around 9:35ish nd saw Ryan'z paper ontop of mine, so i had my good laugh that i almost had him (until i found out that he went nd dropped his paper off around 8:50, that punk, so not fair) nd Wallis showed up in hiz jeep w/a chick in the passenger seat (haha, awww, he wantz 2 be just like... MARK TAN... who said that? No, not me) (he told me to put Gangsta Lovin Crazy in my mood name, cuz i wazn't satisfied w/just "crazy")
8) Hmm, yah, so i waz feelin uber happy after i handed it in nd yelled w/Wallis... nd i wanted 2 meet up w/sum1 at Gillie'z, but that fell thru 2, cuz i'm grounded, so i need 2 get around thingz, cuz that'z what we do... so i went 2 Anne'z house, cuz i had an idea.. uh oh, DANGER ALERT, muhuhahaha... i had her huemongous hair clip from homecoming (which i'll talk all about it l8er) nd i can't call after 10pm cuz they put the lil guy 2 bed somwhere around then, so i called at 9:59 of course, got Monica nd asked her 2 tell Anne that 2 call me... cuz i planned 2 have her walk out her front door nd i'd be there... well i waited... and i waited some more
9) Gave up... wrote a lil note... some of it waz smooshy, but i didnt want some1 that wazn't Anne 2 read it, so i had most of it like a normal note... haha, wtf iz a normal note like... anywayz i put it under her front door mat nd started heading home... she called me 5 minz on my way home... told her 2 wait 3minz, haha... there that chris thiry kid goez again, turned around, sped back... told her 2 check her (anne just signed on, nd everyone started talkin 2 me, so i got side-tracked for 25minz, where waz i... oh... so i gave Mark a 2nd chance 2 guess how long this entry would be, cuz i know it won't be 11 1/2, now it'z 17, nd mine waz... 13) front door mat, cuz the note waz under there nd then i pulled up a couple sex after she read it. Man i felt like i haven't seen her in decadez, her mom even wanted me 2 stay... but i waz grounded nd parentz were prolly about 2 toss in their grave, then call me, so i had 2 split like a banana split, haha
10) Drove home nd sped past everyone, cuz i'm Gangsta Lovin Crazy like that, actually i just wanted Anne 2 call me back, but w/e ticklez ur pickle... found out my parentz rented 2 moviez, OMG, ONE WAZ "MAN ON FIRE" with Denzel Washington, i kinda like that movie az you could see, and the other one waz... "Terminal_something" idk, it sounded dumb nd looked dumb at the same time, so it must've sucked, haha... newayz, found my parentz watchin a poker tourny in my family room, so i ate some food nd watched awkwardly from the kitchen view (ok, this iz just insane when 6 ppl are tryin 2talk2u 7 u're just tryin 2 drastically type this entry thingy, i think i've attempted this entry for about an hour now)
11) Went downstairz cuz i wanted 2 see dave in socom again, but i found julie watchin the end of that sucky movie that i waz talkin about earlier, so i came on this puppy nd have been typin this entry ever since... i really wazn't going 2 write an entry 4 2day, but some1 asked me howcome they couldn't read my entry 4 2day, so here i am, even tho Daddio asked me 2 go 2 bed like an hour ago... meh...
12) hmm, so i totally lost my train of thought, and now i have even more ppl buggin me 2 read my journal entry, IT'Z 1AM IN THE FREAKIN MORNING, GO 2 BREAD PEOPLE!!! Tha'z just Crazy-Whack... brrr, i'm gettin kinda cold down here, but if i put on my long sleever, i'll be 2 hott, HELP!!! Anywayz ppl wanted me to talk about homecoming... SO... you're gunna get a 2-in-1 day deal w/me here, cuz i got til 2am til i give up on this writin gig that waz somehow passed down 2 mah dizzle... wait, i can just put that in another entry nd change the date, WOAH, look backwardz to last Saturday, nd you'll find my entry about the dsha homecoming, but i prolly won't have that one posted for awhile... k... "Sucrest Out" (haha, CONAN)