Nov 30, 2004 18:28
wow, i haven't posted in here for awhile nd have been completely yelled at by a couple of my budz, but not to worry, here iz another one. And it won't be nearly az long az the otherz because i'm really not in the typing mood today. . .or am i?
Yesterday waz awsome, i got to run after school wit my budz in my club RAW (Running All Winter) (ND IT SNOWED, only it stopped b4 school waz even done) since like 2 weekz ago nd it waz fareezin, but that'z what dis'z all about, yo. HOW TOUGH ARE YOU??? So we were runnin over this bridge nd saw a whole bunch of floating construction barrelz floating around in the river underneath us, so we had to go down there nd catch one. We were so proud 2 dayz ago, that we brought it all the way into the our locker room nd put it right in the middle. HAHA, Construction barrel waz about half the height az i, but about 4 timez az wide, it waz huge. You know, the onez with all the reflection tape all over em nd the enormous blinking light at the top, haha. So we had to go back the next day nd catch another one, oh man waz it a trip 2 try 2 get that huge thing back to our school, much less the locker room, again, haha. 2day came & Bobby Herman (aka Mr.Herman, the Dean Of Discipline, somehow found out nd talked with our coachez, so we got a good yellin out of them when we were changin 2 go out 2 run 2day. But. . ."BRING BACK THE BARRELZ" haz now become our current motto. Man, i love constructoin barrelz...
So my day started out with the normal funny az hell truckin Honda deal. All of my windowz fog up and my defroster takez off about one-fourth of it all, so it'z pretty much only good if i duck my head down to drive, so i screw that nd just drive. Cuz i'm 2 stubborn 2 put it on all defrost, cuz then my @$$ would freeze in this lil ol' car of mine. So i drove 2 school all gloomy cuz it'z a regular school day and i pull into our parking lot, only 2 see my bud Jordan park a couple spotz from where i waz entering. So i decided to drive right infront of him nd make my presence known, only the second i did that, i figured out that he couldn't see me cuz of the 3/4thz fogged up windowz, haha. So i lean az close 2 the windshield az possible, so he could see my face thru the lil space that actually wazn't fogged up. Gave up, went nd parked, nd he came over nd laughed hiz @$$ off, bcuz he didn't figure it waz me nd thought that i waz just givin him an evil look cuz i pulled up infront of hiz car in the spot. So then we laughed some more nd he explained 2 me how i would've never seemed 2 be the kind of person that would've done that. Well. . . another day of unexpected/crazy and unpredicted behavior from the chrismeister!
And 2day i worked out nd maxed out on 35 1/2 push-upz cuz Johnny waz countin (darn), then got 2 run 2day (IT WAZ ACTUALLY SNOWIN WHILE WE RAN, now that'z what i call quality RAW), which getz an enormous amount of stress off my back nd outta my head while keepin my energy under control also. When we all got back 2 the locker room, we talked about how addicted everyone iz to AIM, so I myself, need 2 work on that, if at all possible. Anywayz, I can totally feel that my body'z not in az healthy condition az i left it 2 weekz ago, but after 1 week, i should be (better be) back 2 my old, bad self again. Because there'z this thing in our club where you're awarded a tyte t-shirt if you run over 500 milez off-seazon, which would be inbetween Cross Country season and Track&Field season. so i have 2 keep re-plannin out my weekz cuz there'z only like 10 weekz left nd i only have around 150 milez on me. . . haha, i sound like a car, "only the more milez u put on me, the better i get" ;-)
I'm startin 2 get back my touch in english, only that we have another paper due next week, nd i can't get the stupid book (no-one really haz it yet) cuz the bookstore wazn't open today. Only Mondayz nd Tuezdayz. . . stupid policy, yah so anywayz i'm gettin that grade up az long az i write an average of one paper a night til Saturday night
Ahhh, i'm pumped for Kairos, only i admitt, it doez bother me when all theze guyz come back actin more (how shal i put it. . .) "friendly" around each other nd the people that they went onto the retreat with. Now granted i've been on mission trips and retreatz & confirmation retreatz b4, i've heard it' nothing like thoze bcuz this'z mainly run by the seniorz nd only haz guidance from the jesuitz that come along. They want me 2 bring my favorite children'z stuffed animal or play toy. . . wtf, i have no clue what i'm gunna do for that one.
But, for goin on Kairos, i do get to miss 3 dayz of school (Tuez-Thurz) and we have Friday off because our v-ball team won state and our school waz awarded with the Best Audience Sportsmanship, haha. "Whatever ticklez ur pickle."
Oh yah, nd i finally got my new glassez 2day, they're insane, NO FRAMEZ. nd the side wiry thingiez that go from the glassez themselvez to the back of your ear iz RUBBER and super flexible. It'z totally crazy, I could spend endless hourz messin around w/theze bcuz the frame iz almost az flexible, so you can totally deform theze glassez to make em look like anything, WoHoo!
But yah, i'm tryin a new thing today, in which i know will stop workin in the future, but i'm cuttin back on aim az much az possible, UNTIL my homework iz done. So, if you catch me online w/out an away message or i'm talkin to you, and it'z before 7pm or 8pm, even 9pm. . .just ask me if my hw'z done or yell at me, eithor way would help a great deal, cuz no-1 knowz how my brain worx, nd somehow, neithor do i!
Been missin Anne way more than i'd thought i would, nd it'z been goin on for a couple dayz now. She already got half my x-mas present when of course i told her i didnt want one & that jus seein here would be a present w/in itself. But damn, who shopz for x-mas giftz already, she'z on the ball! We saw "The Incrediblez" last Saturday, GO SEE IT. There waz this lil kid sittin next to Anne in the theater, nd after me nd anne, well, you a lil intimate, the mom snatched the kid nd dragged her over to the other side of her, all of a sudden i open my eyez nd i see the same kid sittin down a couple seatz from where she uzed to be, HAHA (pssch, ppl theze dayz). it'z pretty good, nd then we randomly met up wit jeff nd hiz crew, haha, crazy jeff. That waz pretty cool. Thnxgivin wazn't all it waz cracked out 2 be, bout half my family showed up nd that kinda jus ruinz it right there, but then we played cardz a lot for the rest of the night, & i waz ownin it up like no otha!
Oh well, life goez on, eh!