What's New-?

Jul 28, 2006 20:32


Stuff that's new. My room is a mess again. or..Still.
...ok I take it back, that's anything but new.

I got a tattoo in a questionable area.
sort of.
in a way..
...ok, it was magic marker on the back of my knee. this doesn't count either.

Damn. Something of interest must have happened...

oh well. I'll just settle for telling y'all that I met Joe Lieberman by accident today.

No, really.

Okay, so,  I went into work, even though I really could have gotten away with not going because I found out that the guy I would have been interviewing for the story I'm working on is not exactly necessary, and I in fact  do not need to play phone tag and other un-fun adult games trying to find him.

When I got there, my co-workers reminded me that Lieberman was coming in today.
Me: ::blink blink:: Oh, yeaaaah. Huh. that's today. Right.

So. He showed up in his big bus, which the big editor of our papers said makes him "like a rock star" .........

yeah-huh. "rock star."
ok. w/e. moving on

So, he came in, talking and stood against a wall, and genially answered all the questions that the reporters in the offices were brave enough to fire off.
Only one was about the war.
All the rest were about Oil, Health insurance, and things of this kind.

I keep forgetting that it's like some big untouchable white elephant in the room for us. We're allowed to do inspiring little pieces about how this or that family in random town we cover is tying ribbons on for their father, brother, uncle, son, or heck even sister, daughter, mother, auntie, to come home.
But God forbid we discuss the death toll.

Anycase. at least someone kinda brought the fighting up, even if they were only asking about the monetary loss per day, not the human cost. I don't honestly know if it's cowardice, or if the media really thinks that just won't be able to get these guys to open up anyway.  I got the distinct impression (for myself, personally, from the senior editors) that such questions would be...in poor taste pardon me, you're sitting on my sarcasm, or out of place, especially coming from a little intern. So. I finally learned my lesson about what's an awkward thing to do at a meeting, and what's not. Who knew? I learned something at last summer's job after all.

Lieberman was...ok. Cheerfully polite, thoughtful sounding, and full of what sounded like really excellent ideas.  None of which I count on him to follow through with, but he's a politician, and I'm, among other things, someone who rarely takes such promises from such persons at face value.
Suffice it to say, if I didn't know his track record, what he said today would have sounded good.
As things stand, however, I don't know if I like his opponent for the dem. primary any better.  We'll see what happens. I don't think I'm even registered as one party or the other right now, since if I recall, I was paranoid that I'd be kept from the polls 4 years ago for being not easily deceived a red-state-type.

End political rant....now.

{In other news:}

Also, the jacket-queen has struck again. And ooooh is this new acquisition hot. ::somehow doesn't drool while staring at it in fascination::
Hot, hot, hot. And allllllllll mine.

...::ends creepy little joyfest over new jacket::

Also, Also- played with my themes.  I had forgotten I could...
Let me know if anyone's eyes are having trouble with  the font. I like it, but then again, I like a lot of  some weird things. like myself.

Finally, (Also, Also, Also) I added a few new icons. If I make ones I like better, things will get switched in and out.

So, that's pretty much all the new for now-

Hope everyone's having a kickass summer! ::waves::


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