[fanfic] Old Habits Die Hard 1/1

Feb 07, 2009 15:25

Title: Old Habits Die Hard
Chapters: 1/1
Author: crown_halo
Genre: slight angst, fluff?, AU
Warnings: worried Aoi?, vagueness?
Rating: G
Pairings/Characters: Aoi/Uruha
Synopsis: Day in day out it was the same routine.
Comments: At the end.

It was as if they were bound by the laws of the same routine every time. The same old awkward silence. The same old forced questions just to break the atmosphere. The same old look Uruha always had on his face indicating that he wanted nothing more than to be left alone. Not that he had the heart to give anyone the cold shoulder, of course.

“So… How was your day?” And so that dreaded question came back to haunt them again. It wasn’t as if Aoi liked seeing his friend uncomfortable, if he was a friend at all, it seemed like they were mere acquaintances, it was just that he hated the ringing silence in his ears. Taunting him. Daring him to break it. Some said silence was golden but Aoi didn’t share their views. It was only so long before the raven haired senior would crack and say something, anything, just to hear his own voice. It made him feel superior. To be the one overpowering the demon named silence.

“It was okay.” Uruha’s trademark reply to practically everything the elder asked him. Aoi frequently wondered if Uruha ever got sick of his only reply. But then again he could just as easily asked himself if he ever got sick of his only question. But it was part of their daily ritual. Of course they got tired of it but it was needed. One day, he wondered, what would happen when both of them couldn’t take it any longer? What would happen once the routine was broken? Once either of them said anything out of the ordinary. Would they become true friends? Aoi’s head was filled with questions he knew he would never get the answer to.

But he highly doubted it would ever happen. Uruha’s attempt at avoiding Aoi’s gaze had began once more. He sighed softly before realising that waiting for Uruha was like waiting for the rain. They were in the middle of a drought and rain was scarce. It would happen eventually but it wasn’t something predictable. He might as well take the lead. He just hoped it was worth the risk.

“There’s a new ice cream parlour down the road. Do you wanna go check it out together?” Aoi held his breath. He hated these parts. These parts when silence would once again return in all it’s glory. What’s worse was that it was times like these that he wished he wouldn’t be able to see Uruha so obviously contemplating his question as if he was in a life and death situation. Aoi became uncomfortable. The only thing he could do now was wait for the honey-blonde’s answer and brace himself for rejection. And just knowing that made him feel oh so helpless.

After taking what seemed like aeons to Aoi, the said blonde seemed to be ready to reply. Aoi’s muscles unconsciously tensed. Uruha’s answer held the potential to make or break him, as silly as he sounded. Rejection was one of the few things Aoi couldn’t stand.

“…Okay.” And this time with Uruha’s reply, he offered a genuine smile. A smile unlike all the ones he’d shown Aoi had seen before. The rest had seemed too polite and too forced. And Aoi felt a sense of pride, as if he had just passed level one of a particularly hard game. He didn’t know how many more levels there would be, but he was determined to win no matter what.


A/N: I actually imagined this on a school bus lol. Them being in highschool and stuff. But I didn't really specify location here >.>" Wasn't sure where to add it in. So yeah. Would love to hear where you imagined this to take place! And I just realised there's like no love there haha *shot* Well at the very least, it's the start of a beautiful friendship :D

C&C appreciated ♥

aoi/uruha, ; fanfiction

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