[fanfic] Proverbs A-Z [B]

Nov 09, 2008 19:11

Title: Proverbs A-Z [Bad News Travels Fast]
Chapters: 2/26
Author: crown_halo
Genre: AU, Drama
Warnings: Umm implied future cheating? O____O"
Rating: PG
Pairings/Characters: Reita/Uruha, Aoi/Uruha
Synopsis: He needed something fresh, new and exciting. He longed for a kiss that would leave him gasping every single time.
Disclaimer: They're getting ready in my bed Don't own -3-
Comments: *finally bothered posting* It's only very loosely related to [A] >.< But I'm still wondering if this whole thing should be like a real fic and all link to each other... Or a series of short fics. Oh and this is longer than the first one 8DD *victory dance*

While Uruha and Reita seemed like the perfect couple to everyone around them, Uruha had different thoughts. Uruha loved his boyfriend, the way he’d hold his hand, the way their lips met in bliss, the body heat they shared in bed each night, but he couldn’t help but feel something was missing. Reita was the ideal gentleman, the man every girl dreamed of, but Uruha needed more than that. He needed something fresh, new and exciting. He longed for a kiss that would leave him gasping every single time.

Throughout the ten years the two men have been together, Uruha had his lover figured out inside out. From the way Reita would come home each night and head directly for a hug to the way he’d never put his left shoe on before his right. There was nothing left to explore.

Uruha dreamt of a man that would leave him guessing, a man that could surprise him with the slightest of things, even as simple a gesture as grabbing his hand during dinner. His first kiss he shared with Reita had definitely been a surprise but things have changed. Reita himself hadn’t changed, which was exactly Uruha’s problem.


It was on that fateful summer night, during which Reita had gone to visit his parents, that Uruha decided to venture onwards in this game of love. For weeks, his friends had been telling him all about the new stripper working at their usual club. They say ‘Aoi’ is the greatest tease you could ever meet. Uruha recalled the very conversation that had finally convinced him to check the guy out.

“Uruha you have got to come with us one night! Aoi is sure to take your breath away,” Kai just sighed in agreement while Uruha looked at him sceptically.

“Ruki. You say that about every single newcomer.”

“But he’s different! He’s got this captivating aura surrounding him. Kai, you tell him.”

“For once, he’s right Uruha. That man’s presence is amazing, everyone stops to watch him as soon as he steps onto the stage.”

“… Kai, I thought you were straight.”

“I am, but that doesn’t mean I can’t help Ruki plead his case.” A slap resonated around the small room they were occupying as Ruki’s hand came in contact with Kai’s head.

“Moron! You didn’t need to say that.” And with a pout on Kai’s face and an annoyed Ruki, the conversation ended.

Uruha sighed as he stepped into the club. He was instantly engulfed by blaring dance music and the place was packed as usual but there was something different. Everyone seemed to either huddle around the stage or be staring intently at it. And when Uruha looked over, he knew exactly why.

There was an unfamiliar male dancing seductively around a pole. Tall, dark and handsome were the exact words that Uruha would use to describe the guy and he was sure this was the person he was looking for when the crowd began to shout ‘Aoi’.

The man kept throwing suggestive glances over in his direction and Uruha couldn’t help but wonder if they were meant for him. Reita was the least of his worries right now and he wanted nothing more than a taste of Aoi.

A/N: The "bad news" is the news about Aoi :D Coz it's not really clear, lol

aoi/uruha, proverbs, ; fanfiction, reita/uruha

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