(no subject)

Oct 15, 2008 18:20

Title: Three Different Things
Chapters: Oneshot/Drabbles
Author: crown_halo 
Genre: Fluff/Angst (?)
Ratings: G
Pairings/Characters: Aoi/Uruha
Synopsis: Everyday was lived through fear; Part of society believe that men should not love men; Everlasting love does not exist
Comments: This.. is the first time I've posted anything I've written so please don't be too harsh? >.< And I have no idea what I was thinking when I wrote these. There's only 185 words in total.

Aoi was born during a time of terror. Everyday was lived through fear. Fear of attacks, fear of losing his family and most of all, fear of losing what was most important to him. His princess. His everything. His Uruha.


Aoi is a man. Uruha is a man. They are both men.

Part of society believe that men should not love men.

Yet, Aoi feels that he cannot live without Uruha.

And Uruha feels that a world without Aoi is a world not worth living.

Is there really a right or wrong in love?


Tears fell from his beautiful brown orbs.

He could feel his heart breaking into pieces he would never find again.

Especially when the person who shattered it had no intention of fixing it.

Gathering up all his courage, he walks away.

Away from everything that triggered memories of him.

Zeal was a trait he had lost since that day.

Everything that was ever important to him never returns.

Tomorrow all will be beautiful.

There is a new life waiting for him to start.

Everlasting love does not exist.


A/N: The last one is kinda an acrostic :D which is why the zeal thing doesn't really belong lol

Comments will make my day just that much better ♥

aoi/uruha, ; fanfiction

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