Munchausen By Hunting

Apr 01, 2013 12:11

Title: Munchausen by Hunting
Author: Crowley_Gal
Characters: Dean, Sam, Bobby
Genre/pairing: Gen
Rating: Teen
Word-count: 1531
Spoilers: Some for first seasom
Warnings: Potenial Triggers- Self harm.
Summary: Dean's a good hunter so why does he get injured so much. When Sam asks this question he does not like the answer.
Disclaimer : I don't own anything and I'm not making any money from this.

Authors Note: This is a fill for this prompt by Sparrow_lately at the Hoodie-Time hurt/comfort Meme. Not sure if this is exactly what your looking for but hopefully it fits the bill.

This takes place early season 1 just after Sam and Dean hook back up after the pilot. It doesn't follow the time line exactly and there are some made up hunts and one made up creature but it will tie together at the end.


There can be no doubt that hunting is a long, hard, cold lonely life that most likely culminates in getting your guts ripped out before you were 30. Injuries are common and expected.

So the first time Dean was injured Sam didn't really think too much about it. A swipe to his side by a black dog. Not life threatening and Sam was able to stitch him back together and Dean seemed okay. He didn't bitch a whole lot about Sam fussing over him.

The hunt for the Windego resulted in a dislocated shoulder that Sam snapped back into place. A week's down time in which Dean seemed to relish treating Sam like a servant and being waited on hand and foot while his shoulder healed.

The werewolf was to close a call. It was inches from biting Dean and Sam lost his temper at his brother for being so careless and letting the werewolf get that close. What the hell had he been thinking Dean just listened to Sam lecture and then apologized for being reckless and said he would use more caution next time.

"Good thing I'm here to watch your ass or you'd get yourself killed," Sam quipped as he wrapped Dean's ankle that he claimed was twisted and what had prevented him from getting out of the werewolves way.

Things seemed to settle down. A new town, new hunt and no injuries.

Then the job at the Asylum where he almost killed his brother and had to pick bits of rocksalt out of his brother's chest. Sam felt bad about what he said and did and he almost wished Dean would get mad at him for it but Dean just thanked him for looking after him and went to bed.

Then Burkettsville, Indiana and their fight. Which resulting in Sam leaving and Dean almost getting killed. Then the Rawhead on top of that and Dean coming so close to dying and the stupid idiot checking himself out of the hospital.

After that it was another job, a revenant this time. Sam would swear on a stack of bibles that when he saw it charge Dean his brother just stood there and made no move to get out of the way until Sam launched himself in a flying tackle to get Dean out of the way. Sam confronted his brother about it but Dean denied it. Sam didn't push since Dean had a concussion. He had his his head when he feel and Sam realized that Dean had made no attempt at protecting when he fell. Dean just seemed to enjoy the attention he got when Sam brought him tomato rice soup when it was the only thing he could keep down.

Another hunt, another injury. This time Sam was paying attention and he knew without a doubt that Dean allowed the Vixen to bite him. Not fatal but a damn painful and long recovery.

Sam had been away at school a long time and he had to admit that he didn't know his brother anymore and he couldn't figure out why one of, if not the best, hunter on the planet was deliberately letting himself get hurt so often. Sam figured the only way was to confront his brother directly. He'd gotten really scared when bathing his brother to get his fever down from the Vixen venom and noticed just how many scars Dean's body contained. Whatever had been going on had obviously started before Dean came and got him at school.

He wished he could find their dad and talk to him.

"Dean, what happened? You deliberately let that Vixen bit you?"

"What?" Dean asked in disbelief. "You're crazy Sam."

"It's not just the Vixen, Dean. Did you not notice you were standing in water when you shot the raw head. You almost died."

"I didn't Sammy. You saved me. My hero," he added snarkily before he walked out the door leaving Sam standing there and sending a strong message he wasn't talking about this anymore.

There were more hunts and more injuries but nothing big just cuts and bruises but Dean tried not to make it not so obvious but now that Sam was on to him and paying attention he couldn't deny that it was deliberate.

Another failed confrontation and Sam started to realize that Dean probably didn't even realize that he was doing it. What had happened when he was at school that Dean kept trying to get himself injured? Something big must have went down. He was determined to get to the bottom of it.

Attempts to reach Caleb, and Pastor Jim were unsuccessful. He even tried to reach his dad out of desperation. He wanted answers before they took on their next hunt.

It was a water sprite. "Dean, please be careful," Sam cautioned.

"You know me, that's my middle name," Dean deflected.

"Make sure it is because I sure as hell ain't giving you mouth to mouth if that thing tries to drown you."


"Dr. Blair, room 302 STAT!" The loud speaker blared. Sam tensed when it went off and sighed with relief when it wasn't Dean's room or Dean's doctor.

His jackass of a brother almost drowned. There was just no way to explain it any other way then Dean letting the damn thing drag him under. It wasn't hard to get him breathing again but leave it to his brother to develop complications that even Sam couldn't fix.

He'd never even heard of secondary drowning. Apparently, it was possible for the for the water Dean inhaled to irritate his lungs and cause them to start filling with fluid. Sam was forced to call an ambulance despite Dean's protests. He didn't have a choice or Dean could have drowned in his own body fluids.


"Sam, thank God!"

Looking up from the uncomfortable plastic chair he had been sitting in, Samsaw Bobby Singer coming toward him.

"What are you doing here?" Sam asked in confusion.

"Caleb got your message and called me since I was close by."

"What's going on. Dean, when he were hunting he...."

"Was allowing himself to get hurt," Bobby finished.

"How did you know about that? What the hell is going on?" He could see that Bobby was reluctant to answer but Sam demanded answers and Bobby finally opened up.

"After you left Sam it was a difficult time for your brother. You're dad blamed him for you leaving."

"Of all the stupid..."

"Let me explain. It's not your fault. You're father and Dean started doing separate hunts, hooking up and working together occasionally. Once Dean broke his leg. Totally an unavoidable accident and John stayed around to look after him if only because no one else was available. After that Dean started getting injured more and more. It was almost as if he believed it would make John stay. "

"Thanks for looking out of him Bobby. How long were you looking for us?"

"Since you left school. We figured Dean would go there first but we didn't get there in time. We got our first lead after you called your daddy after the Rawhead. But you boys were long gone when we got there."

"Dean checked himself out of the hospital. Said he wasn't going to die in a hospital where the nurses weren't hot. God, I shouldn't have been so stupid," he berated himself.

"Don't Sam. There was no way you could have known. He usually tried to avoid hurting himself to the point of being hospitalized. He figured it would give your dad a reason to ditch him. I chased John with a shot gun for that one but it's how we figured out what was going on the first time too. Dean let himself get shanked by a demon but the knife went in to deep. He needed surgery."

"I wish I had figured this out sooner, may this could have been avoided."

"I told you to stop beating yourself up," Bobby admonished lightly. "I called your daddy. He's on his way. "

"Bobby, what the hell are you talking about? Dad's missing its why Dean came and got me."

"You're dad wasn't missing Sam. It was Dean who went missing. From Creekmore Psychiatric Hospital. Your father had him committed after the demon stuff. He escaped and went looking for you. You're brothers not well Sam."

"But...what the hell, Bobby? Jessica?"

"Do I think Dean started the fire to force you on the road? I'd be lying if I didn't say the thought crossed my mind. He panicked when he realized exactly what type of hospital he was in. We checked that possibility. It was faulty wiring in the building that started the fire. Dean had nothing to do with it."

Sam got up and looked in on his brother after they had gotten the news that he would be fine. He would be transferred back to Creekmore when he was medically fit.

What happened to the big strong brother that didn't let anything bother him? He had been Sam's rock growing up. What the hell had gone so wrong? Sam had no words he just sunk to the floor and all his worries and fears that he buried for so long bubbled up and boiled over. Sam dropped his head into his hands and began to cry. Bobby just rubbed small circles on his back in silent comfort. There was really nothing else to say.

Please leave me feedback even if you hate it. You don't want my muse to cry.
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