Books Read - June 2009

Jun 28, 2009 11:50

43. Elfland, by Freda Warrington. Fantasy. 464 pages. For Booklist review. Review here.
44. City of Ashes (Mortal Instruments Book Two), by Cassandra Clare. YA Fantasy (Urban Fantasy?). 453 pages.
45. City of Glass (Mortal Instruments Book Three), by Cassandra Clare. YA Fantasy (Urban Fantasy?). 541 pages.
46. Troll's Eye View, edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling. Juv Fantasy/Short Stories. 160 pages. Review here.
47. Eon: Dragoneye Reborn, by Alison Goodman. YA Fantasy. 536 pages. Review here.
48. Finger-Lickin' Fifteen, by Janet Evanovich. Mystery/Humor. 320 pages.
49. Dead is the New Black, by Marlene Perez. YA Urban Fantasy (?). 204 pages.
50. The Dragon Diary (Dragonology Chronicles Book Two), by Dugald A Steer. Juv Fantasy. For Booklist review.
51. Sacred Scars (A Resurrection of Magic Book Two), by Kathleen Duey. YA Fantasy. 554 pages. For Booklist review.

Favorite of the month: Elfland

Least favorite of the month: Dragon Diary

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