Life Serial #1

Jul 28, 2008 20:51

This weekend, I bravely battled ants in the kitchen with paper towels and powdered ant-killing poison, and then I left the poison and tiny carcasses and went to Chicago for a Polish Catholic wedding that pretended to be a bi-faith wedding (Catholic and Jewish) but was really just a Polish Catholic wedding with a rabbi hiding in the background. Occasionally, he even got to speak. Rachel's family was scandalized (it was her cousin getting married), of course, but the reception had an open bar, a bottle of vodka on every table, and the usual good/bad DJ and dancing, so we ended up having fun anyway. And I  got drunk (but not stupid drunk), because I love vodka.

I have another job interview (for a part-time children's librarian at a public library) on Wednesday. I feel a mix of hope and dread. Mostly dread. I'm so sick of writing cover letters, and interviewing, and getting the "wow, you're really great, I have no constructive feedback on your interview because you're so great, but we're not hiring you anyway" speech. My previous job pays through the end of August (yay 12 month school contract!) so I will not need to be desperate until then.

Meanwhile, since I am not working, I figure, I might as well spend all my time doing chores writing. So, I get up in the morning, and I dust, and sweep, and do laundry and dishes, and spackle the damn walls write. Okay, I really do write, actually, among all the cleaning. I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere on my writing, which is maybe why cleaning is so much easier -- all those concrete tasks with clear successes. I wash something, and poof! it's clean! There's no "poof! it's published!" with writing. It's more like "poof! it sucks!" or "poof! revise it again!" with me. It doesn't help that I am writing fan fiction suddenly and ignoring my "real" work, but I'd like to start dividing my time, working on fan stuff and "legit" stuff semi-equally.

I also watch television, because we have free movies On Demand and Netflix. I just watched Silent Hill, which was kind of awesome. Okay, yeah, the plot is thin, but what do you expect? It's based on a video game. And it looks and feels and sounds just like the game (the music, the setting, the creatures), and that game series is one of my favorites, so I really enjoyed seeing it made into a movie. It creeped the hell out of me, just seeing Pyramid Head wander around with that big ass knife. Though the heroine left something to be desired -- in the game, she would have found a gun within the first twenty minutes, or at least a wooden plank with a sharp nail or a pipe or something, but in the movie, she basically runs around screaming and whining until hot butch cop saves her ass a thousand times. I'm not saying I wouldn't run around screaming and whining and wishing for a hot butch cop to save me, if I were in that situation, but that's why I'm not star material.

And yeah, I do have too much time on my hands.  Why do you ask?

silent hill, too much time, writing, being suzy homemaker, job hunting is hard

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