Snowflake Challenge - Day Two

Jan 02, 2016 16:36

In your own space, create a list of at least three fannish things you'd love to receive, something you've wanted but were afraid to ask for - a fannish wish-list of sorts. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your wish-list if you feel comfortable doing so. Maybe someone will grant a wish. Check out other people's posts. Maybe you will grant a wish. If any wishes are granted, we'd love it if you link them to this post.

I feel guilty about asking for anything after being essentially MIA for ages. But I am determined to complete this challenge so:

1)Icons. Since there's been a major shift in the fannish community, I have no idea who is still making icons. And I really need to update my shinies. Can you point me towards icon artists and comms? I'd be ever so grateful. I'm looking for the following: [fandoms]Daredevil, Jessica Jones, MCU [Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, a good Bucky icon.], Sense8, SGA, Star Trek TOS, Crimson Peak, Star Wars [including but not limited to TFA], NEW BANDOM ICONS, Marvel women in the more current comics, Luna Lovegood, [non-fandom] drive-ins/movies, roadside attractions, illuminated manuscripts, neon signs, New Orleans, women writing, art from old horror movies, art in general. The usual suspects know what I'm into; new faces, you can check my interests list should you have questions past the list here. :)

2)Longfic Recs. I have 1 1/2 to 2 hours worth of a bus commute every weekday, and desperately need fic I can dump onto my ipad. I read pretty widely, but have a special interest in SGA longfic [I know, it's taken me forever to get into it] and new stuff [or under-appreciated old stuff] in Buffy/Angel/Firefly and in Bandom. I'm also in the midst of a LotR marathon and could really sink my teeth in some Middle Earth [not-The Hobbit, but the Fellowship] stories. Is anyone writing longfic in Jessica Jones, Daredevil, Sense8, Star Wars? Seriously, I'm willing to give anything a go.

3)Bill Weasley, where are you? I KNOW that there must be stories about Bill Weasley and his adventures as a curse breaker. It's like Indiana Jones, but with magic! The appeal is obvious! Where are the shinies? Help a bird out, would ya? And if someone decided to oh WRITE a story like that, overjoyed does not begin to cover my response.

There are about other things that I want to ask about/for -favorite fic that y'all have written, what non-fandom things you're currently super passionate about- but I'm pretty sure that those will get covered later in the challenge.


Snowflake Challenge Masterpost


This entry was originally posted at If possible, I prefer comments there.

snowflake challenge

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