Snowflake Challenge - Day One

Jan 01, 2016 22:12

Sliding in under the wire, as I've been thinking and thinking and then OVERthinking the topic. :P

In your own space, talk about why you are doing the Fandom Snowflake Challenge? What drew you to it as a participant? What do you hope to accomplish by doing these challenges? Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

The past few years I've seen various folk on my reading list do this challenge and it's always looked like fun. Last year I dipped my toes in a bit, but came into the challenge too late to really participate. I promised myself I'd participate THIS year. And so I am. :)

But that's the tippy-top of the Why iceberg.

I've spent the past couple [several? yeah, several's more honest] years forgetting how to communicate and drifting away from fandom. Admittedly, I tend to feel like a fannish wallflower as a rule. I lurk more than I squee, and when I *do* start flailing about fannish interests, they tend to be in back channel venues instead of public forums. Not there's been much of that lately either. I've gotten in the habit of having those conversations in the tags in my tumblr posts... which are only conversations by the virtue of a very thin and super-stretchy communication thread. It's a pretty one-side conversation, made of curated images and captioned asides. Basically, it's brain chatter, just shifted to the internet. As much as I like pushing shiny visuals around into pleasing configurations, it gets lonely.

I miss interacting with my community here. And let me tell you what - nothing underscores how much fandom and the journal side of online interaction is MY community, like time spent away from it. Recently, tumblr added an instant messaging system to their platform. The conversations that I've been having with my mutuals - many of whom are old friends from LJ - have revolved around how much we miss talking, how much we miss the interaction and general liveliness of comment thread convos. So here I am, dusting off my journal and hoping the familiar faces won't comment too much on the frantic edge to my glomps and the new folks will forgive any over-enthusiasm. I'm just so EXCITED to be here again!

I think that covers what I hope to accomplish by participating in this challenge. But if not: I want to re-connect. With fandom, with my fannish folk. I want to connect - make new friends, get excited about new fandoms and fanworks and ideas. Basically, it's all about building elaborate structures out of virtual tinkertoys. Same old, same old. :D


This entry was originally posted at If possible, I prefer comments there.

yammering me, snowflake challenge, fannish shenanigans

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