Glittery dinosaur here pointed out to me that it might be wise to get the ball rolling on this particular brand of shenanigans. Particularly since I've been pretty absent from these parts this year. But it's officially the Winter Holiday Season and I've a pile of cards to send out. So...
Welcome to T.'s Holiday Card Post!
*four crows play seasonally appropriate tunes on kazoos*
[Don't mock -they've been practicing for weeks now. And it's really hard to get a kazoos to work when you don't have lips.]
If you'd like some T-flavored holiday cheer appearing in your mailbox this winter season, then please drop a comment in this post. Addresses help with this process, of course - comments are screened here, or if you're feeling shy, you can email me at badelement at gmail dot com. ♥!
My addy is:
T. Niehaus
54 B Hayward St.
Burlington, VT
Any specific needs? Let me know.
This entry was originally posted at
http://crowgirl13.dreamwidth.org/747632.html. If possible, I prefer comments there.