[Picspam] Oakledge Park in October

Oct 12, 2012 10:19

Hi all!

I keep putting off posting, because I'm apparently waiting for the Perfect Time to Post. Since that seems evasive, I shall instead leap in and post some pictures from the 1st. :) My dear
tempore came up for a visit that weekend last weekend of September> IT WAS AWESOME. :D :D :D On Monday, we went for a long lake meander. The day was blustery and grey - this was the weather theme for the whole weekend, tbh - but that still ended up being perfect.

A trio of shots in the Neighborhood.

On the bike path.

My favorite South End garden remains spectacular, regardless of weather or season.

I've been trying to take decent photos of this house for *ages*. It turns out that my POV was wrong - I kept trying to take pictures of the entire house, when detail shots are more my jam.
Now I think I can start to make some headway. :)

Onward to Oakledge.

Mandatory Burdock shot for

The Earth Clock.

Lakeshore shots.

Wave to Burlington, gang! Note that the lake's doing its best Ocean impression.


Keeping time's record, Mother Nature Edition

Keeping time's record, Manufactory Edition

Back downtown, after seeing
tempore to the airport. The sun was out for maybe 20 minutes.


Happy Friday, gang! I hope you have a lovely weekend.


This entry was originally posted at http://crowgirl13.dreamwidth.org/683581.html. If possible, I prefer comments there.

queen city pwns all, net of stars ftw, the northlands, picspam, birds eye view

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