From the 'Curses! Foiled Again!' files

Nov 09, 2011 17:46

I have this recurring habit of over-packing books when I travel. No matter how hard I try to keep the level of reading material I'm going to haul all over bus stations/airports/the known universe to a minimum, inevitably I end up juggling anywhere from four to ten books in my luggage. Okay, that's the combined trip book count - I know for a fact that, no matter where I go I will end up finding a bookstore and end up bringing more books home with me. I plan for this in my suitcase.

Still... It's a problem. A very heavy, backache inducing problem.

Since I'm going to Boston and there's a rumor the bus may have wifi, it's been much easier to talk myself out of the excessive literary security blanket. I have writing to do, things to catch up on - I will only have time for ONE book! But what book?

As luck would have it, the public library stepped in to help me out. I'd put in an interlibrary loan request for some Stephen King books, older stuff that they didn't have in-house, and had gotten the call saying my request was in. What timing! King is perfect for travel!

Well, the early stuff, is at any rate. Carrie's not a very big novel. I can stash a hardcover in with the rest of my gear, no problem.

Corner of laptop included for scale.

This entry was originally posted at Comment hither or yon.

the adventure continues!, observing the queen city blackbird

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