It only seems polite to cry warning.

Oct 01, 2011 15:00

Last night's drive-in was lovely, if cold. Granted, it wasn't as cold as opening night had been this year, but I really should have worn a scarf. And maybe some long johns. The rain held off until today - as the weather gods in the Northlands are fans of the drive-in too. Which means it's blustery and 46 [!!!] degrees today. And hello to you too, October. :P It's no surprise that the coffeehouse is rather packed today.

The room mate and I got in an extended discussion of Hallowe'en costumes earlier. As one would expect, there was a lot of hand-waving and grumbling on my part - I have opinions about this topic! Many, many opinions! - but a bunch of inspirational ~ideas surfaced too. I am finding the Hallowe'en links I'm tracking are making my hands itchy; I want to MAKE STUFF. Preferably stuff that lights up, moves or can be cunningly attached to the body. Or any combination of the above, really. :D

The end result of today's convo and my itchy fingers is my costume for next year, which is going to be KICK ASS, but requires some experimentation and more cash than I currently have. I'm going to have to source wee LED lights and motors and make some molds. But it will be most excellent. *grins widely*

Assuming I don't get distracted by the need to build werewolf prosthetics instead. I'm deeply irritated that all the in-store werewolf stuff is made for dudebros, which means none of it fits me. I haven't worked much with theatrical fur, so that would be fun. And it would be a good excuse to pick up some FX contacts. >.>

Of course, none of this really solves THIS YEAR'S costume problem. *sighs*

Still contemplating sandworms though...


The comment crawl that I've been muttering about this week is underway. So if you start seeing comments from me, continuing conversations that you've forgotten about, you'll know why. ;)


This entry was originally posted at Comment hither or yon.

making monsters, drive-by t, let's all go to the movies, the northlands, rocktober

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