Nov 01, 2010 22:39
I got 2,112 words in! A motherfucking palindrome! I didn't even try to do that and I got a PALINDROME. Clearly this is a sign. EVERYTHING TODAY IS A SIGN.
All 2,112 words are absolute garbage and no one else is allowed to read them ever, but I DID IT. I've been threatening to write this friggin' book for four years and I have finally, finally, finally started a workable rough draft. It's shit, yeah, but it's MY shit. That sounded really gross. I did not mean it that way. I hope you all realize this
Get back to me when it's tomorrow and I realize it took me almost ten hours to get that small of an amount done, and I'm not even at the PLOT yet. Fuck.
nano 2010,
excessive capslock