New Crowdfunding Project: Goal-Fish

Apr 21, 2013 19:27

Goal-Fish is a new site offering a customizable to-do list by . It has categories, such as chores and fun, with constraints (day/night, indoor/outdoor, current pain level, cost of supplies, etc.) for available tasks. Once you ask it for a task, it presents a simple description, and you can open detailed instructions if you wish. Learn more hereThe ( Read more... )

projects, cyberspace theory, networking

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naamah_darling April 22 2013, 02:01:04 UTC
THIS IS AWESOME. Thank you for letting us know!

Since I am, ironically (?) low on spoons, can I cut and paste this post (link, credit, etc.) to let my f-list know about this? Because I think MANY of them would find this as nifty as I do!


shoaling_souls April 22 2013, 09:02:08 UTC
I am not ysabet, so I can't give you permission to use her words, perhaps she will later, but I can give you permission to copy-paste anything from goal-fish's help page, if you want.

And if there's anything I can do to make Goal-Fish better for you, let me know. I am really excited that people who are not me are using the site and enjoying it!


naamah_darling April 22 2013, 10:08:29 UTC
You are a bonafide badass for doing this. And holy carp, I had the best time looking through everything for the little fish drawings! VERY cute! That makes it much more playful and fun. And I do think the name is ADORABLE. *thumbs of awesome*

And wow, I can't even begin to express how helpful it is to be able to sort tasks not by difficulty, exactly, but by pain/spoons. I don't have pain issues, but I have pretty bad anxiety and I'm bipolar, so I overwhelm easily. I really appreciate that feature.

I'm going to work with it this week, add some of my own tasks and such (coloring books! work on custom ponies! play with my a**hole cat! answer email!) and I'll be sure to speak up if I notice anything that could use tweaking! So far it looks really user-friendly and straightforward.

(I lol-ed at the use the laser pointer to distract cat while reading bit. Yes.)


shoaling_souls April 22 2013, 11:03:17 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you're having fun with it ( ... )


Thoughts ysabetwordsmith April 22 2013, 18:05:25 UTC
>> I made the carpet blue for the vacuuming so it would look like the fish was vacuuming water. <<

That is adorable, and very clever.

>> That's the sort of thing that's going to be different for everyone, but hey at least there's now one site on the net that considers the default person to have an aversion to sponges. <<

Viva la diversidad!

>> if you have 10 pain, or 0 spoons, then you can do things like "take a nap", "drink some water", "eat some food", and other basic selfcare stuff that will hopefully increase your spoons. <<

Some thoughts on this ...

1) A more detailed discussion of resource-management with a link to "The Spoon Theory" would be helpful for people who are new at limitations (or have a temporary handicap such as pregnancy or a broken leg). These are things that can go in an "about" or "help" section to expand the site's usefulness for people who need more background ( ... )


Re: Thoughts shoaling_souls April 23 2013, 07:39:41 UTC
1) good idea.

2) that's an idea. I considered "gathering energy" to sort of be a subset of fun, so all of those tasks are currently under fun. But when I added "bathe" in I was thinking that bathing hasn't really been fun since I was small enough to "swim" from one end of the bathtub to the other. I mean, sure, I don't mind it, but I wouldn't consider taking a bath to be my hobby. But it's not really a chore either.

I think the fun category is a way to take a break from chores. You stop cleaning the house and sit down with a nice puzzle or get some food or play some cards.

I'll think about it, though.


Re: Thoughts ysabetwordsmith April 23 2013, 07:53:46 UTC
>> But when I added "bathe" in I was thinking that bathing hasn't really been fun since I was small enough to "swim" from one end of the bathtub to the other. I mean, sure, I don't mind it, but I wouldn't consider taking a bath to be my hobby. <<

Depends on your approach. Some people just want to get clean, some want to relax, and some -- even as adults -- break out the fleet of rubber duckies. *chuckle* I gave a bath bomb to a friend once and it resulted in an adorable cartoon of bombing toy boats.

>> I'll think about it, though. <<

My recommendation is to wait a month and then ask people how they are using the site. Would they like this feature, or not?

If you put up a survey for this and other questions -- you'll probably have a list by then -- you can offer people a free membership for answering it. And then maybe some of them will donate if they like the extras.


Re: Thoughts shoaling_souls April 23 2013, 09:01:29 UTC
For me, the main purpose of bathing is temperature regulation. If I am cold, then I take a hot bath (and clean myself while I'm at it). If I am hot, then I take a cool bath (and clean myself while I'm at it.) If my temperature is just right (most of spring and autumn), then I do it for cleanliness purposes ( ... )


Re: Thoughts ysabetwordsmith April 23 2013, 21:45:04 UTC
>>For me, the main purpose of bathing is temperature regulation.<<

That makes sense.

>>When my kitten seems me come into the bathroom, he comes running and leaps into the tub.<<

How adorable!

>> The first extra that I have planned is the ability to change the colours on the site. <<

Good idea.


Re: Thoughts shoaling_souls April 23 2013, 09:54:33 UTC
I added a link to spoons on the help page, and also explained what it means in the context of Goal-Fish.


Re: Thoughts ysabetwordsmith April 23 2013, 22:01:11 UTC
Well done!


naamah_darling April 23 2013, 02:54:55 UTC
I've been adding new stuff and adjusting existing stuff to work for me ( ... )


shoaling_souls April 23 2013, 07:29:53 UTC
1) Huh. That's interesting. Following your instructions, I added a task to my account "Fix hair" with the instructions: "Brush hair. Put it up." and when I looked in the database the instructions weren't even saved ( ... )


Yay! ysabetwordsmith April 23 2013, 20:03:30 UTC
Bug fixes are good.


shoaling_souls April 23 2013, 10:17:36 UTC
on second thought, I haven't received a single comment notification e-mail for the comments ysabet left on this post, i only saw them because i was replying to you (which i did get a notification for.) LJ does that sometimes. so if you leave a comment and i don't respond, it's okay to poke me by e-mail too.


Yes... ysabetwordsmith April 23 2013, 20:02:57 UTC
LJ's comment notification has been trashed since at least Tuesday; it was a blighted nuisance during the bonus fishbowl then. Subsequently it's sent me notices for some but not all comments, often quite late. So I'm checking important posts manually.


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