Goal-Fish is a new site offering a customizable to-do list by . It has categories, such as chores and fun, with constraints (day/night, indoor/outdoor, current pain level, cost of supplies, etc.) for available tasks. Once you ask it for a task, it presents a simple description, and you can open detailed instructions if you wish.
Learn more here.
The site is optimized for people with assorted physical or mental limitations, so it has a high accessibility rating, but anyone can use it. If you have trouble with choice-paralysis or time management, Goal-Fish looks like a more effective solution than some of the simple to-do prompters already extant. So if you have friends with those kinds of challenges, pass the word.
This is a crowdfunded project. Your donations keep the site going. It's a distraction-free zone with no ads, so donations are the only income. Anyone can use the site free, and access the generic features without an account. Registering is free and lets you add some of your own categories and tasks, so for instance, you could set up art or writing tasks. Donations allow you to add even more categories and tasks.