Some thoughts; input would be appreciated!

Jan 10, 2012 12:03

So, friends, I'm going to do a little brainstorming on here, and would love some input.

Last week saw some small success with my $5 Character Portrait Days, and it's definitely something I want to continue.  I also, though, want to offer digitally inked and colorized portraits and digitally painted portraits for half off-- which would be $20 for the former and $50 for the latter.  I know that may be a bit higher than some people can pay, but color portraits will also take longer to do, and I'll still be offering the grayscale portraits for $5 (normal price on detailed grayscale drawings is $20, so that's a significant price slash), so hopefully that'll prevent my workload from tipping the scales too much so I can get to everything, while still bringing in a small income from it all.  Believe me, with my family in the situation we're in right now, where we HAVE to work from home, every little bit helps.

My question to you guys is this:  Do you think it would be better to make $5/Discounted Character Portrait Days an everyday thing?  Or perhaps "open" for business on Monday and "close" for business on Friday?  Or just keep it as a two-day weekly sales event?  Which do you think would bring more traffic and commissions?  Advertising is my concern-- most communities on here that provide platforms for advertising would probably get fed up with too many announcements per week (I try to limit to one announcement per week for each event so I don't monopolize the communities I post to), but if it's open all the time or only on a weekly basis, the announcements will be buried under other posts, and people won't see them until the following week.  (In other words, the traffic may be about the same as if I only held a two-day event)  Are there any other thoughts for bringing more traffic to a blog?  I see people on my feed who practice crowdfunding and have friends lists of hundreds of people.  How did you do that?

cyberspace theory, cyberfunded creativity

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