Crowdfunding Creative Jam Announcement

Jan 09, 2012 23:28

The next session of the Crowdfunding Creative Jam will run January 14-15.  The theme is "Disabled People (visibly and invisibly disabled)" based on a previous poll.  Mark the time on your calendar so you can leave and/or claim prompts.

Want to do some advance planning for this Creative Jam?

Torn World has a number of disabled characters including Rai (owned by me, blind), Marai (adoptable, deaf), Kalitelm (adoptable, dwarfism & club feet), and Ularki (adoptable, mentally disabled).

Here are some articles:

"Blind Characters: A Process of Awareness"
"Deaf Characters: Behind the Fiction"
"Depiction of Intellectual Disability in Fiction"
" On the handling of disabled characters"
"Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Fiction"
"Writing About Disability"
"Writing Characters with Mental Illness"
"Writing My First Wheelchair Bound Character Has Been Enlightening"
"Writing Realistic Disabled Characters"

"1001 Drawings"
"Disability & Art"
"The Disability Paradox: Ghettoisation of the Visual"

"Fantastic Films, Fantastic Bodies"
"Media Representation of Disabled People"
"Movies with Characters with Disabilities"
"Top 10 TV Shows with a Disabled Character"

"Famous Disabled People in History"
"Well Known People with Disabilities"

Also, I'm open to having other folks host the Crowdfunding Creative Jam in future sessions.  If you'd like to volunteer, please let me know and we'll discuss which month(s) you want.  The aforementioned poll listed a bunch of themes that people were interested in writing about, so you can pick one of those.

projects, cyberfunded creativity, community

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