Mar 30, 2005 15:20
Ok, so its been a while, right? Yeah it has. I don't know what happened, but sometime around Christmas I just didn't want to write. Not that I haven't been creative since then (there was the fanfic, some music, and yes, currently working on a follow-up fanfic about some adventures in the fourth age), but there has just been something in my mind, standing in front of me, keeping me from any type of journal-type writing. The only time I'd done any was in class one day about 3 weeks ago, and that was it. I'm not sure what type of mental block has been sitting on my ability to type my thoughts. Maybe its been the pressures and stress of work, the Observer, and money that have just bogged me down, as I seem to have gotten more and more exhausted as the days went on. But now Spring Break is over, a much needed time of rest and relaxation in which I may have gone slightly mad, and its time for me to resume my former passion and remind myself what its like to write for fun.
So, with that, Hello Livejournal. I'm back.
There are things that I could write about right now, lots of things that could be both amusing and boring at the same time (you know, me ranting about things in a way that is brutal, harsh, wicked, and disturbingly funny), but for now I'd like to keep things as they have been for the past few days (and weeks thanks to Spring Break) light and upbeat. So I shall begin writing about things that rock:
Registration was this morning and I got into all the classes I wanted including Films of Moral Struggle, and that completely makes up for having to wake up at 7 (that and going back to sleep until 11:30). So I'll be taking Freedom of Speech, In My Opinion, Feminism in American Poetry, Workshop, and Films of Moral Struggle. All in all I'm looking forward to all of these classes, though I am minisculy worried about what type of future work schedule it leaves me, but I'll think about that when it comes.
I'm also exited for Sherman's farewell class. He came to Lincoln Center my sophomore year and his first class was Tragedy, Comedy, and the Godfather. The class began my not-so-secret love crush on Stewart Sherman. After that I immediately took his Words and Music class, and after a semester hiatus from Sherman, am taking his Shakespeare class (and have been contemplating sitting in on his 18th Century Lit and Culture class next semester).
Many people have come to love Sherman and his classes. There are the original Shermanites, Logan, Lizzie, Terry Anne, etc. and the converts, Lindsey, Faetra, Marnie, etc. There's even a facebook group called "Shermanites Unite."
Anyway, he's designing a 'farewell' class to his original students currently titled "Spirited Away and Other Fantasy Worlds" which will center on the anime film Spirited Away, the Odyssey, and Alice in Wonderland. It will truly be a magnificent class.
Heather got into NYU's Cinema Studies Masters Program, meaning she will definitely be in the city and most likely living off campus downtown. I'm very happy for her and proud of her and know that she'll do great things. And I wish I could take some of those classes (Hitchcock, Horror, Asian Cinema...they sound amazing).
Speaking of films Heather and I scored press passes to a few Tribeca Film Festival shows. I'm really excited for Ian McKellan's new movie, Asylum, and Layer Cake, a thriller about the British underground, directed by Matthew Vaughn (who recently was signed to direct X-Men 3!).
Thomas Hayden Church as the Sandman in Spiderman 3!? Ok!
Sin City is so close I already have a nasty taste in my mouth (but its a good thing). If the movie is as close to the comics as I think it is, there will be some amazing moments when your jaw will drop but you will immediately want to shut your mouth and cover it with your hands so you won't vomit on yourself. Yeah, its gonna be that kind of movie. I can't wait. Most likely going to a midnight show after Laramie on Thursday.
Then there's Friday. Friday night is Episode III midnight madness at the Times Sq. TRU. Saturday April 2nd is the street date for all the new EIII merchandise to his and TRU will have a lot of it. Basically I'm going for the free Yoda (a clear Yoda you get for spending $35, which I probably would have spent anyway).
Then Saturday will be spent doing something I have not been able to do since last fall: SHOP (yeah, I know, sometimes I'm pretty gay) I haven't really gone clothes shopping in so long and I'm excited that I'll finally be able to!
I think that'll be all for now. Got a lot of homework for tonight, but the rest of the week will work itself out. Until tomorrow (hopefully, if I'm good)
-your friendly neighborhood enrique