Hedge House

Mar 31, 2013 19:26

The game continued with the PCs in Phili. I think they believe it went to easy, but the players did what they needed to do. They did research, found a contact, got the contact to give them the information they needed, and then came up with a good plan. I didn't punish them by making them roll dice for most of it. The only purpose for rolling dice is to see if the characters fail. With competent FBI agent characters and good well thought out plans that emphasize the PCs strengths I felt no reason to roll dice for most of it. They also chose to not arrest but blow up the Frankenstein Monster, Oleg.

One of the players choose to miss game to watch basketball with his fiance. Therefore I needed a way to remove his character from the adventure and I choose to make him a hook. He left without telling anyone else and when they were finished in Phili and went back to DC they found he was not there. He was out in Wayne Nebraska. They tracked him down but it took some time. They rented a big and black SUV with tinted windows and they drove around the small Midwest town looking for the missing character's rental. It took all of ten minutes for the local police to stop them and see what is going on.

The missing PC mystery lead them to Hedge House, a 200 year old house built by the the family that eventually become the majority shareholder in Union Pacific, so Billionaires and old money at that. The house though has not been lived in since the depression era. It had local rumors of being haunted of course, but the family has a trust that funds keeping the grounds and house in good condition. I find it creepier to explore an old house that looks in great condition yet still basically abandoned.

This is a sequel to an adventure I ran in Albany New York back in 2008. In that adventure college kids explore a haunted house and all but one ended up dying. So, in the missing PC's back story I added in his first assignment as an FBI agent was to explore the disappearance of the 7 college students. He was not able to for reason I can't post yet as they are still at Hedge House.

I went for creepy. At times some of the PCs had encounters with people from their lives that had died. It wasn't really ghosts more like the Star Trek Next Generation episode with the Traveler called Where No One has Gone Before. When the character is distracted the encounter vanished like it never happened. One of my players requested that I use Torchwood actor Gareth David-Lloyd as an NPC in someway mostly because she finds him really hot. So, I used his picture as the patriarch of the Billionaire family from back in the 1800's. Then I used a different picture of him to show the current 20 something party boy who they encountered at the house who was more then a little hungover. Of course that makes them wonder if this is somehow the same guy alive after 150 years.

They had creepy encounters, found a weird stone circle inside a hedge Labyrinth with a very creepy scarecrow in the center. I got this cool picture from the TV show Face Off that does monster makeup on SyFy channel. The session ended with them finding a very drunk PC they were looking for. And of course the sun is setting and they will have issues leaving the grounds.

The adventure as I said is one I created and then decided how would the police and such investigate it. The house is from the GURPS Map Pack called Haunted House, a well done floor plan for a large house. Other then that it was a lot of research to add in details that set the house in the 1930's and before with the description of furniture, accessories, clothing they find, etc.
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