Nick Powell

Mar 01, 2010 21:38

Fandom: The Invisible
Name: Nick Powell
Birthdate: March 8, 1991
Age: 18
Physical Appearance: Nick is tall, slim, athletic. His hair is darkish, and he doesn’t make the effort to brush it out of his eyes because he thinks it gives him the appearance of someone more artistic. But he’s attractive, more or less. Not necessarily on the “in” crowd with the popular crew, but he hangs around its fringes.
Education: Senior in High School
Occupation: Student
Significant Other: There was a girl, but Nick lost interest
Sexual Preference: Hetero

History: Nick grew up a normal kid. Smart, talented, privileged. There were always big plans for him -- always something in the works. He’d become a lawyer or a doctor or something like that. Family was always well-connected.

But when his father died, Nick sort of lost the drive. Still an achiever, he preferred white-collar high-school crime. He sold essays.

And then, Nick died. Well - actually, mistaken by the local hard-ass girl at his school for someone who ratted her out to the cops, he was beaten up so badly that she and her cronies thought they’d killed him by accident. They hid him in a storm drain in the woods - only Nick wasn’t dead. He woke up the next morning, in fact, and went to school. Only to find that nobody could see him.

Nick thought he was dead, but soon discovered he was in a coma, and set out to try and save his own life.

Personality in seven words or less: Bored, disillusioned, apathetic, bitter, loyal to friends

How Others Perceive Your Character: His mother would say he was always an overachiever. Nick would say she’s a controlling bitch. He hates the expectations people place on him and honestly would love to get away. He knows he’s privileged, and that he can get away with about anything without people caring. To an extent, he’s taken advantage of that.
Beliefs, Convictions, Morals: Nick is convinced of two things - first, that he wants to be a writer, and secondly, that he needs space.
Reason(s) for Escaping to Canada: Spoiler alert - in this canon, Nick doesn’t make it. Though he’s finally found and rushed to the hospital, he never wakes up. Until AV of course
Their DHAs [Dreams, Hopes, and Aspirations] for Canada: Find out what the hell is going on. Get closure I guess?

Twenty-Questions for the Characters:
[Note: These can be one word answers or fragments. If any of you've seen Lipton's 'ITAS' you know how this works]

1. What turns them on: I dunno. Jessica Alba’s pretty hot.
2. What turns them off: Pretentious bitches.
3. Would they see a shrink: Why?
4. Worst Childhood experience: Probably Dad dying. Is that...what you expected me to say?
5. Favorite Film: Kill Bill.
6. Favorite Song: Atmosphere by Joy Division
7. Favorite Word: Mm…that’s hard. Probably…treacherous.
8. Least Favorite Word: (he scoffs) Obligation
9. Favorite Curse Word: Bitch.
10. Best gift ever received: Dad’s watch.
11. Sound or Noise they hate: Any sort of high pitched whine.
12. Sound or Noise they love: I don’t know…I guess anytime good music is played loud.
13. Do they know the answer to 64 million dollar question: (he laughs) Shit, I’d be a millionaire if I knew that.
14. [Complete the sentence] ... All the world's a stage... and I’m in some fuckin’ improv group or something?
15. Did Yoko Ono really break up the Fab Four: No way - they were already splitting up.
16. Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee: Chuck Norris doesn’t sleep…he waits.
17. Half full or half empty: Chuck Norris.
18. Coke or Pepsi: Chuck Norris.
19. If they were a Jellybean flavor, which one: Chuck Norris.
20. And, finally, if Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? “You’re going to hell for telling all those Chuck Norris jokes.”

Anything Non-Canon:
In this canon, Nick dies before coming out of his coma, and ends up here. He never gets closure because the girl who originally brought him out of the coma in the movie dies before reaching him. I need to find a way for Nick to find that sort of closure in AV.

nick powell

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