The Prince

Jul 17, 2010 05:05

Name: Just call him by his title. He is the Prince of Persia. Or just Prince.
Fandom: The Prince of Persia (videogame canon)
Birthdate: Sometime way BC
Age: 28
Physical Appearance: He is dark-haired, but blue-eyed. He isn't terribly bulky, muscle-wise, but his muscles are tight and close to the skin from years of training to fight as the son of a powerful king, and then from years of having to fight for his life against demons and sand monsters, as well as the acrobatics he's so well-known for.
Noteable Physical Characteristics: He is well-scarred from his many battles, most notable being a faint scar running over his right eye, from the eyebrow to just over the cheekbone. What isn't scarred is tattooed, and his back bears a swirling tattoo of either a dragon or a tiger...whatever, it's really vague, and your attention is likely going to be drawn by the other rather big physical characteristic.

Namely that his left arm, shoulder, and a good portion of the left side of his back is covered in glowing gold tattoo-like swirls. Around left forearm, from the elbow to the wrist, is wrapped a weapon called the Daggertail, a sort of deadly sword-whip, though it was certainly not put there of his own volition. More later.

Education: Coming from wealth and royalty, the Price was likely taught by the best priests, priestesses and tutors Babylon had to offer.
Occupation: He's a prince of Persia, master swordsman and acrobat, and all-around badass.
Sexual Orientation/Preference: He likes women. A lot.
Significant Other: There have been some, but he prefers not to let himself get tied down.

Oh boy. Strap in, kids, and follow me.

In the beginning, there was a prince. He was young, barely twenty, already a warrior for his father's, King Shahraman's, empire. On the way to Azad, they conquer the Maharajah of India's kingdom. The Prince was offered his choice of all the treasures in the Maharajah's vaults or all the beautiful women that had been captured. The Prince, however, had found his own treasure. In the conquest of the castle, he came across a strange dagger, it's blade blue and its hilt filled with sand. When he activated the dagger by pressing a button on the hilt, he found he could turn back, slow, and even stop time itself.

When he tried to give the dagger to his father and the Maharajah's Vizier, his father turned him away, saying that he should keep his souvenir, having no idea of the power it possessed. But he noticed the strange hunger in the Vizier's eyes as he looked at the Dagger.

Upon their arrival in Azad, the Vizier spoke or an Hourglass, saying that he who used the Dagger of Time would unlock the Sands of Time. This would cause them to become as powerful as the gods themselves. With the urging of his peers, the Prince took his dagger and inserted it into the Hourglass. But while the Sands were indeed freed from their prison, they infected everything they touched, turning humans of living flesh into hideous sand-monsters.

The Prince was forced to ascend through the castle in search of the treacherous vizier and the hourglass of time, destroying the once-human creatures and taking their sand into his dagger. Only one other had survived, the Maharajah's daughter Farah, protected from the Sands by a medallion as the Prince had by his dagger. Eventually the pair reach the hourglass and the Prince turns back time to before his father launches the attack on the Maharajah's castle, thus preventing the dagger from being stolen and the Sands from being released.

But now, the timeline has been changed, which angers a beast called the Dahaka, the guardian of time. For seven years, the Prince runs from this beast, as it tries to find him and kill him. His journey takes him to the Island of Time, where he is led to believe that if he can travel to the past and kill the Empress Kaileena before she can create the Sands, the Dahaka will have no quarrel with him. Of course, things go horribly wrong. The Prince kills the Empress, but her death releases the sands. The Prince then soliloquys about being the "architect of his own destruction."

He finds a mask that will allow him to go back in time yet again and reasons that if he brings Kaileena to his present to kill her that the sands will never be created. This a way...In the present, the pair of them confront the Dahaka, who is now after Kaileena because she is in the wrong timeline, and the Prince finally kills the beast. They think all is well, and sail happily toward the Prince's home in Babylon.

Only to find it on fire. The Vizier, who was now never defeated (because now the events of the first game have been completely undone) has taken the Dagger of Time from the Maharajah's vaults himself and knows that the death of the Empress will release the Sands. Kaileena is captured and then killed before the Prince's eyes as the Vizier stabs her with the Dagger of Time, creating the Sands as they spread throughout the city to infect all its residents. Through an open wound on his arm, where he has been attacked by the Daggertail, the Prince is also partially infected by the Sands. Still, he regains the Dagger of Time and all its powers.

He discovers that the infection has affected his mind, and that he can now hear a disembodied voice that both taunts him and eggs him on. This voice -- the Dark Prince -- will often trigger a physical transformation in the Prince, one only undone by exposure to water.

The Prince is again accompanied by Farah, who has no memory of him, but the two are strangely drawn to each other. He again kills the Vizier, and the streets are rid of all the Sand and its infection. The Prince battles his darker half and defeats him. And everyone is happy.

Personality in Seven Words or Less: Arrogant, selfish, conflicted, paranoid, vengeful, noble, princely

How others Perceive Your Character: He is often called out on his selfishness, which provides the Dark Prince with quite a bit of verbal cannon fodder. The events on the Island of Time are prompted solely by the Prince's selfish attitude. However, he comes to realize a sense of nobility -- that he shouldn't be doing things out of personal revenge or vendetta, but for the good of his people.

He's also a product of his times, and can be a bit chauvinistic.

Twenty-Questions for the Characters: (bold replies are the Dark Prince throwing in his two cents)

1. What turns you on?: Oh, well, I suppose I like a woman who can follow orders. And has a great body.
2. What turns you off?: Insolence. Oh, shut up, you know you like the ones that talk back.
3. What do you look for in a friend?: Someone trustworthy...who I know will watch my back. Hmph. Good luck.
4. Worst Childhood experience: When I was a child, I was walking through the marketplace, and I witnessed a soldier attack a boy who could not have been much older than I. The boy had taken an apple and attempted to flee, but the soldier caught him. The penalty was a hand...and I was too fearful to stop him. Serves him right. Bet he didn't steal again. Be quiet, you.
6. Favorite Song: I've never particularly liked music.
7. Favorite Word: Vengeance. ...Is there nothing I can do to make you stop?
8. Least Favorite Word: Whiner. Oh, shut up.
9. Favorite Curse Word: May you be cursed with impotency. NICE one!
10. What's something that bothers you about girls? They're...well... Crazy? Yes, that.
11. Sound or noise they hate: The screams of people I cannot rescue. Oh, must you always be so melodramatic?
12. Sound or noise they love: Running water. Ick.
13. Is there something you will never forget? I am haunted by a great many moments I cannot undo, no matter how hard I try.
14. Have you ever had feelings for someone you didn't expect to? I...well...must I answer this? Come on, tell them how you fell for the empress. And that other girl. Twice. ....Pansy.
15. What do you do when you're upset? Weeeeell, usually he sulks and mutters to himself about times gone by, or he kills things. I prefer the killing of things. Are you not going to let me speak for myself?! What, you weren't talking.
16. Do you get jealous easily? Me? Never. Liaaaaar....
17. Half full or half empty: The less water, the better. I, on the other hand, would like all the water I can get.
18. Do you talk about your feelings or hide them? I can barely get him to shut up about his feelings! It's always "oh, daddy this" and "oh, what have I done" and "woe is me." Have I told you I hate you? Not in at least two hours. I hate you. There we go. Let it out, dear Prince. Let it out.
19. Is there a difference between love and being in love? I'd like to think so.
20. And, finally, if Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? I think you're at the wrong door. Yours is further down.

Anything Non-Canon that's Going Down with your character: Yes. I'm playing him sometime in the middle of the third storyline, where he's returned to Babylon and is infected. To make things more exciting and have the Dark Prince be more than just a voice in the Prince's head, the transformation will not be physical, but will a takeover by the Dark Prince of the Prince's body. That way he can get out and have a little fun of his own.

the prince

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