Aug 28, 2011 10:59
So... I've been a bit absent lately. Didn't finish my con report, I know :( I'm still trying to get my notes up, but it seems a bit silly at this point.
Where have I been? Well, basically I stopped posting right after fracturing my toe. The whole thing had me completely out of it, first of all because for the first two weeks or so I was taking a painkiller after soldiering through every commute and work day, and then because I was just annoyed/depressed that the dang thing wouldn't heal. It's still not completely healed after a month and a half, if you can believe it. Foot's still bruised and everything. Blaaaaah.
And now, insanely enough, we've had both an earthquake and a hurricane in Philadelphia this week. What is going on!? Flooding is still very serious right now from Hurricane Irene passing by last night, so I'm staying indoors and working from home on Monday. Geez.