Nano Hangover, but in a good way!

Dec 03, 2013 12:59

Tangible Updates:
On the day before Thanksgiving, I decided to try weaving with this embroidery-hoop loom tutorial. It was very calming, although I should have either used my round hoop instead of the oval one, or used thicker yarn instead of a weird mesh of embroidery-floss warp and sportweight-yarn weft. Either way, it was ridiculously uneven and I only managed an inch or two of cloth. I think I'll use the bag of dowel rods I got last year (I was planning to make mumblecan'tremembermumble, but I ended up not touching them at all) and just make a lap/hand loom with them instead.

I finished Nanowrimo for the first time in three years, AND I was a day early! his means I finished half a novel draft in a month! But for the past few days I've had what the other Nano writers aptly call a "Nano hangover," where I could barely write anything that was remotely creative. Or in my case, I couldn't FOCUS on a single creative project for more than half an hour, so while I'm taking a break from my novel, I've been pretty much mentally vomiting all the bits of concepts/ideas floating around in my head onto my notebook/laptop.

I got DropBox to store all my files since I now have half a novel, various drafts of a play, and I'm going to start the second half of the novel as soon as possible. DropBox is awesomely convenient.

Luckily, my schoolwork and college play weren't affected since schoolwork's been tapering off due to holidays and the end of the semester, and I'd already finished the third draft. Hell, I actually did WAY better on my recent vocabulary test than I did on the class' first vocab test--going from an F to a B is a very satisfying step up, even if I pretty much memorized the recent test's meanings.

And then my niece visited for the week of Thanksgiving. It was nice going out for breakfast all week, since she's vegan and she likes my favorite cafe as much as I do because of all the vegan options.

Intangible Updates:
-Dionysus dropped by at breakfast and told me to put him in one of the plays I've been scribbling down. He showed up as Anakin Skywalker, so I thought he was Nuada trying to trick me again, but he pointed out that he had both hands (and that his name was Dionysus).

Say what you want about his acting, Hayden Christensen is a pretty good candidate for a god whose most frequent appearance is "young and hot."

I wasn't surprised when Hanschen gave him a high-five, because Hanschen knows pretty much everyone who's youthful, attractive, or shamanistic/ecstatic. I was surprised when Fox showed up, went "EEEEEEEEE" and tackle-hugged him. Compared to Fox's reaction to Hanschen's OTHER former patron Loki (not good at all, since he doesn't like how Loki aggravates Hanschen's negativity/self-destruction), it's a very different feel. Although it made more sense when I found out Dionysus' seer aspect frequently wears a fox-skin.

So then I asked which aspect of Dionysus he was, and he went, "Dionysus the Seer." Which should mean I'd call him Dionysus Mantis, but when I asked him which epithet he wanted me to refer to, it was a pretty short two/three-syllable one ending in "ios." According to Wikipedia and this website, those would be "Dionysus Agrios" (the wild one), "Dionysus Bromios (he who roars)," and "Dionysus Anthios (the blossoming one)."

He prefers "Dionysus Bromios" the most for now, which worries me since it refers to either "roaring wind/thunder" because Zeus is his father, or "roaring bull/lion" for two of his more (in)famous transformations where he slaughtered people (in revenge, but still). And I'm like, "...Why do you want me to call you "the one who roars'?"

To which he responded very calmly, "Because no one fucks with the drunk guy."

And yeah, that freaked me the hell out, so he's giving me a couple days of space.

I don't even know why he wants to be involved/portrayed in one of my plays, but Dionysus Bromios likes that I broke my head through the NaNoWriMo process. I first got his attention waaaaaaay back when Sannion did an oracle for me, and then again when the medicine-woman told me that I had strong Fox-medicine.

writing, in/tangible things, awesomeness, spirituality, wtf, abject terror

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