Title: I'm Not Her
Fandom: Smallville/DC Comics-verse
Pairing/Characters: Chloe/Carter Hall (Hawkman)
Rating: R
Disclaimer: all characters belong to theCW / DC Comics. The Blackest Night story is by Geoff Johns and I claim no ownership of the themes and story I referenced, although I did alter it to suit this fic.
Word Count: 20,084, story complete
Spoilers: post S7 Ep Descent. DC Comics (New World) crossover, loosely post Final Crisis.
Summary: Following his death, Martha tells Chloe to clear out Lionel's office vault, and sends her a collect all of Lionel most secret possessions. What she finds changes her life.
Many thanks:
latetothpartyhp for suggestions, encouragement and the beta of this fic.
Read from the beginning...