Title: Square Peg, or, Peg² [A sequel to
Full Circle, set in the
Epic Crossover ‘Verse]
Chapter: 16 of ?
Author: neensz
Word Count: ~2,500 [35k+ total so far]
Fandom(s): Leverage, Psych, SG:A
Pairing(s): Eliot Spencer/Shawn Spencer, McShep preslash
Rating: PG-13
General Warnings: language, kid!fic, un-beta’d
Beta: None, so please point out errors (or, you know, volunteer).
Disclaimer: Psych and Leverage and SG:A (as well as any other television show, movie or book in existence that I may reference) do not belong to me, nor do any of the characters or places or quotes I'm borrowing for my nefarious slashing purposes. I make no profit from the aforesaid borrowing, or only in the currency of squeeing fangirly joy.
Summary: No matter where you are, the desire for ponies is universal.
One |
Two |
Three |
Four |
Five |
Six |
Seven |
Eight |
Nine |
Ten |
Eleven |
Twelve |
ϟ |
Thirteen |
Fourteen |
Fifteen | Sixteen
In Which "Can I Have a Pony?" Is The Most Feared Question for Parents Everywhere. )