Volume 008, Issue 139

Jul 17, 2013 23:54

This issue covers July 16th in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!


Multiple Crossovers Stories only listed once

Coneycat wrote Loki Odinson and the Hogwarts Housemates - Chapter 18 | GA | Avengers/Being Human/Harry Potter/Thor | Gen |

CrumblingAsh wrote Mother | E | Avengers/Thor/Silent Hill | Bruce Banner/Darcy Lewis |

secooper87 wrote The Years that Never Were - Chapter 19 | T+ | Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Doctor Who/Sarah Jane Adventures/Torchwood | The Doctor/Buffy Summers |

Alice in Wonderland

Keepoffthegrass wrote Mad? it's all fine - Chapter 15 | GA | Alice in Wonderland/Sherlock | Sherlock Holmes/John Watson & Mycroft Holmes/Molly Hooper |


silverNebulae wrote An Animatronic Heart - Chapters 2 + 3 | T+ | Avengers/Chobits| Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov & Steve Rogers/Tony Stark |

The Book Thief

solsticezero wrote How They Roar Their Light | NR | The Book Thief/Doctor Who | Gen |

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Rod wrote Hellyoaks - Chapter 3 | E | Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Hollyoaks | Xander Harris/Andrew Wells, Ste Hay/Josh Ashworth, Craig Dean/John Paul McQueen, Justin Burton/Jake Dean, & Ste Hay/Amy Barnes |

Cabin Pressure

kirani wrote Hired by Desert Bluffs? | GA | Cabin Pressure/Welcome to Night Vale | Gen |


RoseFrederick wrote If You Don't Believe - It Might Still Find You. - Chapter 3 | GA | Castle/Harry Potter | Gen |


silverNebulae wrote An Animatronic Heart - Chapters 2 + 3 | T+ | Avengers/Chobits| Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov & Steve Rogers/Tony Stark |

Criminal Minds

HumanizedSerenity wrote Two Worlds - Chapter 6 | GA | Criminal Minds/Supernatural | Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid & Castiel/Dean Winchester|

Doctor Who

FandomFighter wrote Friends Till The End of Time - Chapter 4 | GA | Doctor Who/Sherlock | Sherlock Holmes/John Watson/Hamish Watson-Holmes, Sherlock Holmes/ John Watson, Sherlock Holmes/Amy Pond (Doctor Who)/John Watson, Amy Pond/Rory Williams, & Eleventh Doctor/River Song|

solsticezero wrote How They Roar Their Light | NR | The Book Thief/Doctor Who | Gen |

redtypewriter wrote Impress Me | GA | Doctor Who/Sherlock | Gen |

EldunariLiduen wrote The Sea of Time | GA | Doctor Who/Star Trek: TNG | Gen |

Dragon Age

AngryPurpleHead &
CCBug wrote The Next Great Adventure - Chapter 7 | T+ | Dragon Age/Mass Effect | Male Shepard/Steve Cortez & James Vega/Female Cousland |

faithburke wrote The Day Belongs to the Dogs | NR | Dresden/White Collar | Gen |

Dungeons & Dragons

Random_Nexus wrote The Wizard And The Warrior | T+ | Dungeons & Dragons/Sherlock | Gen |

Game of Thrones

DarkmoonSigel wrote A Cappella of Gaudete - Chapter 3 | E | Game of Thrones/Hannibal | Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter |


DarkmoonSigel wrote A Cappella of Gaudete - Chapter 3 | E | Game of Thrones/Hannibal | Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter |

Harry Potter

catfriend3000 wrote Crystal Hogwarts - Chapter 5 | GA | Harry Potter/Sailor Moon | Gen |

RoseFrederick wrote If You Don't Believe - It Might Still Find You. - Chapter 3 | GA | Castle/Harry Potter | Gen |

Sivan325 wrote Why Me? - Chapter 12 | GA | Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings | Gen |


Raine_Wynd wrote One Good Man | T+ | Highlander/The Sentinel | Matthew McCormick/Simon Banks |


CranApplePye wrote Survival - Chapter 16 | T+ | Hollows/Supernatural | Rachel Morgan/Trent Kalamack |


Rod wrote Hellyoaks - Chapter 3 | E | Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Hollyoaks | Xander Harris/Andrew Wells, Ste Hay/Josh Ashworth, Craig Dean/John Paul McQueen, Justin Burton/Jake Dean, & Ste Hay/Amy Barnes |


noa748 wrote Realitystuck | T+ | Homestuck/Tales of Symphonia | Gen |

Unionhack wrote Shin Megami Tensei: Personastuck - Chapter 9 | M | Homestuck/Persona | Jade Harley/Dave Strider & John Egbert/Rose Lalonde|

The Hunchback of Notre Dame

kjack89 wrote Meant for Heaven's Light | NR | The Hunchback of Notre Dame/Les Misérables | Enjolras/Grantaire |

John Doe

PattRose wrote John Doe Series | M | John Doe/The Sentinel | Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg |

Les Misérables

kjack89 wrote Meant for Heaven's Light | NR | The Hunchback of Notre Dame/Les Misérables | Enjolras/Grantaire |

Lord of the Rings

Sivan325 wrote Why Me? - Chapter 12 | GA | Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings | Gen |

Mass Effect

AngryPurpleHead &
CCBug wrote The Next Great Adventure - Chapter 7 | T+ | Dragon Age/Mass Effect | Male Shepard/Steve Cortez & James Vega/Female Cousland |

Miami Vice

Natashasolten wrote What If Michael Mann Did Star Trek? | GA | Miami Vice/Star Trek: TOS | Gen |

Once Upon a Time

Gepardo wrote Just For A Few Days | NR | Once Upon a Time/Pokémon | Belle/Rumpelstiltskin | Mr. Gold |

ABSedarian wrote Libeled Lady - Chapter 4 | T+ | Once Upon a Time/Warehouse 13 | Myka Bering/Helena "H. G." Wells & Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan |

Pacific Rim

Angelcide wrote Regulator Gold | T+ | Pacific Rim/Tron | Jordan Canas/Kevin Flynn |

sashanico wrote Shatter | T+ | Pacific Rim/Supernatural | Gabriel/Sam Winchester & Castiel/Dean Winchester |

Parks and Recreation

sahiya wrote Stories | GA | Parks and Recreation/The West Wing | Gen |


Unionhack wrote Shin Megami Tensei: Personastuck - Chapter 9 | M | Homestuck/Persona | Jade Harley/Dave Strider & John Egbert/Rose Lalonde|


Gepardo wrote Just For A Few Days | NR | Once Upon a Time/Pokémon | Belle/Rumpelstiltskin | Mr. Gold |

Princess Bride

Merzibelle wrote We Need a Miracle | GA | Princess Bride/Torchwood | Jack Harknes/Ianto Jones |

Sailor Moon

catfriend3000 wrote Crystal Hogwarts - Chapter 5 | GA | Harry Potter/Sailor Moon | Gen |

Secret Circle
shadowglove88 wrote The New Circle - Chapter 64 | T | Secret Circle/Smallville | Gen

The Sentinel

PattRose wrote John Doe Series | M | John Doe/The Sentinel | Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg |

Raine_Wynd wrote One Good Man | T+ | Highlander/The Sentinel | Matthew McCormick/Simon Banks |


ladymac111 wrote Before the Darkness - Chapter 9 | E | Sherlock/Star Trek | John Harrison/John Watson & John Harrison/Paul Watson |

Spacebabie wrote The Case of Identity Switch - Chapter 7 | T+ | Sherlock/Supernatural | Gen |

FandomFighter wrote Friends Till The End of Time - Chapter 4 | GA | Doctor Who/Sherlock | Sherlock Holmes/John Watson/Hamish Watson-Holmes, Sherlock Holmes/ John Watson, Sherlock Holmes/Amy Pond (Doctor Who)/John Watson, Amy Pond/Rory Williams, & Eleventh Doctor/River Song|

redtypewriter wrote Impress Me | GA | Doctor Who/Sherlock | Gen |

Keepoffthegrass wrote Mad? it's all fine - Chapter 15 | GA | Alice in Wonderland/Sherlock | Sherlock Holmes/John Watson & Mycroft Holmes/Molly Hooper |

ShinySherlock wrote The Skeptic and The Believer | GA | Sherlock/The X-Files | Gen |

Random_Nexus wrote The Wizard And The Warrior | T+ | Dungeons & Dragons/Sherlock | Gen |

shadowglove88 wrote The New Circle - Chapter 64 | T | Secret Circle/Smallville | Gen

Star Trek

ladymac111 wrote Before the Darkness - Chapter 9 | E | Sherlock/Star Trek | John Harrison/John Watson & John Harrison/Paul Watson |

Star Trek: TNG

EldunariLiduen wrote The Sea of Time | GA | Doctor Who/Star Trek: TNG | Gen |

Star Trek: TOS

Natashasolten wrote What If Michael Mann Did Star Trek? | GA | Miami Vice/Star Trek: TOS | Gen |


germanjj wrote 2014 - Chapter 3 | E | Supernatural/Teen Wolf | Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin/Jackson Whittemore, Allison Argent/Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall |

Spacebabie wrote The Case of Identity Switch - Chapter 7 | T+ | Sherlock/Supernatural | Gen |

sashanico wrote Shatter | T+ | Pacific Rim/Supernatural | Gabriel/Sam Winchester & Castiel/Dean Winchester |

HumanizedSerenity wrote Two Worlds - Chapter 6 | GA | Criminal Minds/Supernatural | Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid & Castiel/Dean Winchester|

CranApplePye wrote Survival - Chapter 16 | T+ | Hollows/Supernatural | Rachel Morgan/Trent Kalamack |

Tales of Symphonia

noa748 wrote Realitystuck | T+ | Homestuck/Tales of Symphonia | Gen |

noa748 wrote Realitystuck | T+ | Homestuck/Tales of Symphonia | Gen |

Teen Wolf

germanjj wrote 2014 - Chapter 3 | E | Supernatural/Teen Wolf | Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin/Jackson Whittemore, Allison Argent/Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall |


Merzibelle wrote We Need a Miracle | GA | Princess Bride/Torchwood | Jack Harknes/Ianto Jones |


Angelcide wrote Regulator Gold | T+ | Pacific Rim/Tron | Jordan Canas/Kevin Flynn |

Warehouse 13

ABSedarian wrote Libeled Lady - Chapter 4 | T+ | Once Upon a Time/Warehouse 13 | Myka Bering/Helena "H. G." Wells & Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan |

Welcome to Night Vale

kirani wrote Hired by Desert Bluffs? | GA | Cabin Pressure/Welcome to Night Vale | Gen |

The West Wing

sahiya wrote Stories | GA | Parks and Recreation/The West Wing | Gen |

White Collar
faithburke wrote The Day Belongs to the Dogs | NR | Dresden/White Collar | Gen |

The X-Files

ShinySherlock wrote The Skeptic and The Believer | GA | Sherlock/The X-Files | Gen |

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

star trek: tos, sailor moon, avengers, buffy, warehouse 13, persona 4, alice in wonderland, teen wolf, once upon a time, game (gen), literature (gen), hannibal, doctor who, the sentinel, highlander, star trek, game of thrones, tron, x-files, miami vice, mass effect, marvel comics, pacific rim, silent hill, movie (gen), supernatural, criminal minds, star trek: reboot, cabin pressure, star trek: tng, harry potter, smallville, sarah jane adventures, west wing, persona, les miserables, sherlock, tv (gen)

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