Volume 008, issue 138

Jul 16, 2013 09:30

This issue covers July 15th in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!

Sophie posted "Firefly/Monsters University" | G |


Multiple Crossovers Stories only listed once
kerkevik wrote "The Loneliness of the Long Distance Hero" | NR | Buffy/Angel/Doctor Who/Torchwood/Pern

listrant wrote "Juggernaut, 1/?" | M | Firefly/Avengers | River Tam/Loki

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
lit_gal wrote "Gray, 32/?" | R | Buffy/Supernatural | Xander/Spike
MadQuinn13 wrote "I’m the Doctor Just Kidding I’m Your Daughter from a Different World, 2/?" | T | Buffy/Doctor Who | Willow/Tara

Chronicles of Riddick: Pitch Black
R Coots wrote "Hide, Hide Yourself for Now, 36/?" | M | Firefly/Pitch Black | Riddick/River

Cowboy Bebop
Mari and Su wrote "Space Opera, 10/?" | T | Cowboy Bebop/Firefly

Doctor Who
MadQuinn13 wrote "I’m the Doctor Just Kidding I’m Your Daughter from a Different World, 2/?" | T | Buffy/Doctor Who | Willow/Tara

listrant wrote "Juggernaut, 1/?" | M | Firefly/Avengers | River Tam/Loki
Benji the Vampire Confuser wrote "Milk Run II, 1/?" | T | Star Wars/Firefly
R Coots wrote "Hide, Hide Yourself for Now, 36/?" | M | Firefly/Pitch Black | Riddick/River
Mari and Su wrote "Space Opera, 10/?" | T | Cowboy Bebop/Firefly
Susan MM wrote "Rescuing a Dog-Robber, 9-11/?" | G | Magnificent Seven (TV)/Firefly

Harry Potter
PiratesRose wrote "A Light From the Shadows Will Spring" | NR | Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings
molmcmahon wrote "Under the Mountain, 5/?" | M | Harry Potter/The Hobbit

The Hobbit
molmcmahon wrote "Under the Mountain, 5/?" | M | Harry Potter/The Hobbit
Aloneindarknes7 wrote "The Point of No Return" | T | The Hobbit/Phantom of the Opera | Bilbo/Thorin, Bilbo/Bofur

Lord of the Rings
PiratesRose wrote "A Light From the Shadows Will Spring" | NR | Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings

Magnificent Seven (TV)
Susan MM wrote "Rescuing a Dog-Robber, 9-11/?" | G | Magnificent Seven (TV)/Firefly

Phantom of the Opera
Aloneindarknes7 wrote "The Point of No Return" | T | The Hobbit/Phantom of the Opera | Bilbo/Thorin, Bilbo/Bofur

Star Wars
Benji the Vampire Confuser wrote "Milk Run II, 1/?" | T | Star Wars/Firefly

lit_gal wrote "Gray, 32/?" | R | Buffy/Supernatural | Xander/Spike

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,


hobbit, avengers, buffy, movie (gen), magnificent seven, supernatural, torchwood, cowboy bebop, doctor who, star wars, harry potter, chronicles of riddick: pitch black, lord of the rings, pern, phantom of the opera, firefly, angel

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