Volume 007, Issue 239

Nov 03, 2012 19:33

This issue covers November 2nd in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. Some links are for stories off Live Journal. As the list is very long, a lj cut has been implemented. Enjoy!


jactrades made Fanmix: You Birthed It | NR | Star Trek:TOS/Farscape | Gen



azuremonkey made You Birthed It Art | NR | Star Trek:TOS/Farscape | Gen


Current Challenges:


Other Announcements




Kadorienne wrote God of Lies, Lasso of Truth | R | Avengers/DCU/Sherlock | oki/Thor, Tony Stark/Bruce Wayne, Pepper Potts/Anthea, Wonder Woman/Steve Rogers


croik wrote Elliptical Orbit | R | Batman/MCU | Bruce Wayne/Tony Stark

Battlestar Galactica

ninety6tears wrote In Which The Doctor Believes That Penicillin Was a Far More Useful Accidental Discovery | NR | BSG/Star Trek XI | Kara/McCoy


jedibuttercup wrote A Little Family Drama | PG-13 | Castle/Percy Jackson | Gen


Kadorienne wrote God of Lies, Lasso of Truth | R | Avengers/DCU/Sherlock | oki/Thor, Tony Stark/Bruce Wayne, Pepper Potts/Anthea, Wonder Woman/Steve Rogers

Doctor Who

wildwinterwitch wrote I Met the Prince of Sleep 5/15 | M | Doctor Who/Single Father | Dave/Rose
isilienelenihin wrote The Woman 4/5 | M | Doctor Who/Sherlock | Gen


katiemariie wrote You Birthed It | NC-17 | Star Trek:TOS/Farscape | Kirk/Natira, Kick/Staanz, Scorpius/Braca, Spock/Stark

Forgotten Realms

speakr2customrs wrote What Cierre Did Next | NR | Forgotten Realms/Lord of the Rings | Gen

Lord of the Rings

speakr2customrs wrote What Cierre Did Next | NR | Forgotten Realms/Lord of the Rings | Gen


croik wrote Elliptical Orbit | R | Batman/MCU | Bruce Wayne/Tony Stark

Percy Jackson

jedibuttercup wrote A Little Family Drama | PG-13 | Castle/Percy Jackson | Gen


isilienelenihin wrote The Woman 4/5 | M | Doctor Who/Sherlock | Gen

Kadorienne wrote God of Lies, Lasso of Truth | R | Avengers/DCU/Sherlock | oki/Thor, Tony Stark/Bruce Wayne, Pepper Potts/Anthea, Wonder Woman/Steve Rogers

Single Father

wildwinterwitch wrote I Met the Prince of Sleep 5/15 | M | Doctor Who/Single Father | Dave/Rose

Star Trek

ninety6tears wrote In Which The Doctor Believes That Penicillin Was a Far More Useful Accidental Discovery | NR | BSG/Star Trek XI | Kara/McCoy
katiemariie wrote You Birthed It | NC-17 | Star Trek:TOS/Farscape | Kirk/Natira, Kick/Staanz, Scorpius/Braca, Spock/Stark


seekergeek wrote Escape | PG | SGA/Valdemar | McKay/Sheppard, Weir/Lorne


seekergeek wrote Escape | PG | SGA/Valdemar | McKay/Sheppard, Weir/Lorne

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

marvel comics, star trek: tos, avengers, batman (movies), castle, star trek: reboot, battlestar galactica, dc comics, percy jackson and the olympians, doctor who, farscape, stargate: atlantis, lord of the rings, valdemar, forgotten realms, sherlock, tv (gen)

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