Title: You Birthed It
RennSeries: Star Trek: TOS/Farscape crossover
Character/Pairing(s): James T. Kirk (minor Kirk/Natira from Farscape and Kirk/Staanz), Aeryn Sun, Scorpius/Braca (unrequited Scorpius/Braca/Sikozu), Leonard McCoy, Spock/Stark, Scotty, John Crichton (unrequited John Crichton/Aeryn Sun), Christopher Pike.
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 44,757
Warnings: strong language, violence, BDSM, non-consensual sex-tape filming performed by a third party, ableism, cissexism, heterosexism, substance abuse, gore
Summary: AU: Back when Jim Kirk was just a bright-eyed cadet, Starfleet stumbled upon and subsequently destroyed the Scarran Imperium. Fifteen years later, Kirk begins his captaincy aboard the Enterprise, barely dealing with what he had to do during the war. Meanwhile, Aeryn Sun isn't too happy with her uniform, Scorpius is as ruthless as ever but wishes to be treated like a human being, and Braca just wants to be someone's plaything. Some things never change: Spock is very much on the outs from Vulcan society and McCoy can't seem to make friendly with aliens, even nice ones like Stark.
Author's Note: I'd like to thank my beta, Renn for reassuring me when I was severely wigging out. And for drawing all the Scorpy cats on Tumblr. I'd also like to thank my artist and mixers for joining me to seek out new life and new civilizations in some distant part of the universe.
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