This issue covers February 20 in crossover fandom.
All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!
black-sluggard posted
fanart for "Black Edelweiss" (spoilers) Castle/Heroes
Multifandom (4 or more, listed only once)
beatrice_otter wrote "" NR, Buffy/Harry Potter, Buffy/Wonder Woman, BtVS/Muppets, BtVS/Doctor Who, BtVS/Enchanted Forrest Chronicles
laialda wrote
"New New Wonderland, Part 1" Teen, Doctor Who/Alice: Ten/Rose, Martha, Hatter/Alice
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
kerravonsen wrote
"No Place Like Home" NR, Doctor Who/Buffy
maevebran wrote
"A Sparring Partner" PG, BtVS/Captain America
jerseyfabulous wrote
"We Band of Buggered" PG, BtVS/HP
jedibuttercup wrote
"A Question of Security" G, B:tVS/Terra Nova
tvashti wrote
"Baby, Can You Dig Your Man" G, BtVS/Enchanted
were-lemur wrote
"The Slayer Comes to Cardiff" G, BtVS/Torchwood
Captain America
maevebran wrote
"A Sparring Partner" PG, BtVS/Captain America
Doctor Who
kerravonsen wrote
"No Place Like Home" NR, Doctor Who/Buffy
laialda wrote
"New New Wonderland, Part 1" Teen, Doctor Who/Alice: Ten/Rose, Martha, Hatter/Alice
Dresden Files
jedibuttercup wrote
"Couched in Mumbo Jumbo" PG, Dresden Files/Stargate SG-1
tvashti wrote
"Baby, Can You Dig Your Man" G, BtVS/Enchanted
inkvoices wrote
"Moments; Singular" R, Torchwood/Firefly: Jack/Kaylee
Harry Potter
jerseyfabulous wrote
"We Band of Buggered" PG, BtVS/HP
missvmarigold wrote
"The Adventures Held Around the Empty House" R, Torchwood/Sherlock (BBC)/Luther
damerel wrote
"Strong as Death" R, SGA/Numb3rs: Colby/Lorne
jooles34 wrote
"Guns Go Bang" 18, Torchwood/Primeval: Ianto/Becker, Ianto/Jack
Secret Adventures of Jules Verne
milady_dragon wrote
"An Unexpected Crash" PG, Torchwood/Secret Adventures of Jules Verne: Jack/Ianto, Phileas/Jules (implied)
missvmarigold wrote
"The Adventures Held Around the Empty House" R, Torchwood/Sherlock (BBC)/Luther
donutsweeper wrote
"Coffee Commiserations" G, Torchwood/Sherlock (BBC)
mahmfic wrote
"Four Aces" PG13, Torchwood/Sherlock (BBC): Owen/Tosh, Sherlock/John
damerel wrote
"Strong as Death" R, SGA/Numb3rs: Colby/Lorne
jedibuttercup wrote
"Couched in Mumbo Jumbo" PG, Dresden Files/Stargate SG-1
xenoamorist wrote
"The Beast I Rode Upon" PG, Torchwood/Supernatural
Terra Nova
jedibuttercup wrote
"A Question of Security" G, B:tVS/Terra Nova
inkvoices wrote
"Moments; Singular" R, Torchwood/Firefly: Jack/Kaylee
xenoamorist wrote
"The Beast I Rode Upon" PG, Torchwood/Supernatural
missvmarigold wrote
"The Adventures Held Around the Empty House" R, Torchwood/Sherlock (BBC)/Luther
jooles34 wrote
"Guns Go Bang" 18, Torchwood/Primeval: Ianto/Becker, Ianto/Jack
donutsweeper wrote
"Coffee Commiserations" G, Torchwood/Sherlock (BBC)
milady_dragon wrote
"An Unexpected Crash" PG, Torchwood/Secret Adventures of Jules Verne: Jack/Ianto, Phileas/Jules (implied)
mahmfic wrote
"Four Aces" PG13, Torchwood/Sherlock (BBC): Owen/Tosh, Sherlock/John
were-lemur wrote
"The Slayer Comes to Cardiff" G, BtVS/Torchwood
We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.
~Your editor,