Volume 007, Issue 049

Feb 19, 2012 17:17

This issue covers February 18 in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!

Current Challenges:
casestory's author sign-ups and artist sign-ups are currently open.
crossbigbang's author sign-ups and artist sign-ups are currently open.
deutsch_bigbang's author sign-ups and artist sign-ups are currently open.
queer_bigbang's author sign-ups and artist sign-ups are currently open.
scifibigbang's author sign-ups and artist sign-ups are currently open.
sncross_bigbang's author sign-ups and artist sign-ups are currently open.
swl_bang (Supernatural/Doctor Who/Sherlock)'s author sign-ups and artist sign-ups are currently open.
timetraveler_bb's author sign-ups and artist sign-ups are currently open.
werewolfbigbang's author sign-ups and artist sign-ups are currently open.
moragmacpherson is hosting a Self-cest Comment Fic Meme that is open to crossovers.
sharp_teeth's horror comment meme has some crossover prompts and non-fandom-specific prompts to fill.
tthdrabbles is hosting a drabble challenge for crossovers with Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Other Announcements
TV Trading Card Game Opens! They will be making decks of ANY/ALL TV Shows! Including crossover decks! sarah_jones has a Faith/Dean sample deck.
plentyofroom is a new panfandom RPG open to new players; more information here.


Multifandom (3+ fandoms; stories listed only once)
missvmarigold wrote “The Adventures Held Around the Empty House” | R | Torchwood/Sherlock (BBC)/Luther | gen

aliasdenied wrote “From the Personal Blog of John H Watson” | Unrated | Sherlock (BBC)/Supernatural/Firefly/Doctor Who | Sherlock/John


Das Nugs
wrote Darkness (Chapter 1) | T | Firefly/Aliens/Predator | gen

Battlestar Galactica
fragrantwoods wrote New In Town ( Part 10) | M | Battlestar Galactica/Deadwood | gen
lls_mutant wrote Those Who Lift Each Other ( Chapter 9: Down to the Ground) | R | Glee/Battlestar Galactica | Canon BSG pairings, Gaeta/Baltar, Burt/Carole, Tina/Mike, Puck/Ellen, Kurt/Baltar, Santana/various pilots, Sam/Rya Kibby

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
kerrykhat wrote “Catalyzing Agent” | unrated | Buffy/Mercedes Thompson Series | gen
tvashti wrote “Baby Can You Dig Your Man” | unrated | Buffy/Enchanted | gen


wrote “Long Life to Live” | T | Firefly/Castle | Mal/Inara

fragrantwoods wrote New In Town ( Part 10) | M | Battlestar Galactica/Deadwood | gen

Doctor Who

Spawn of Anarion
wrote The Immortal, The Weapon and The Doctor (Chapter 1) | T | Firefly/Doctor Who | Ten/Rose

roane wrote “The Short, Strange Life of Doctor John Watson” | M | Doctor Who/Sherlock (BBC) | John Watson/Harry Watson

goddessofbirth wrote Warping the Weave ( Prologue) | PG-13 | Firefly/Dollhouse | Jayne/River

tvashti wrote “Baby Can You Dig Your Man” | unrated | Buffy/Enchanted | gen

Fight Club
xenoamorist wrote “Alabaster” | NC-17 | Harry Potter/Fight Club | Bellatrix/Marla

goddessofbirth wrote Warping the Weave ( Prologue) | PG-13 | Firefly/Dollhouse | Jayne/River

wrote “Long Life to Live” | T | Firefly/Castle | Mal/Inara

Jock Panda
wrote Albatross (Chapter 1) | T | Firefly/Gundam Seed | gen

Das Nugs
wrote Darkness (Chapter 1) | T | Firefly/Aliens/Predator | gen

Spawn of Anarion
wrote The Immortal, The Weapon and The Doctor (Chapter 1) | T | Firefly/Doctor Who | Ten/Rose

lls_mutant wrote Those Who Lift Each Other ( Chapter 9: Down to the Ground) | R | Glee/Battlestar Galactica | Canon BSG pairings, Gaeta/Baltar, Burt/Carole, Tina/Mike, Puck/Ellen, Kurt/Baltar, Santana/various pilots, Sam/Rya Kibby

Gundam Seed

Jock Panda
wrote Albatross (Chapter 1) | T | Firefly/Gundam Seed | gen

Harry Potter
elpin wrote God's Permission ( Chapter 14) | R | Supernatural/Harry Potter | Harry/Castiel
xenoamorist wrote “Alabaster” | NC-17 | Harry Potter/Fight Club | Bellatrix/Marla

moragmacpherson and dragonspell wrote “Penrose Stairs” | NC-17 | Inception/Supernatural (fusion AU) | Sam/Arthur, Arthur/Eames

Mercedes Thompson Series
kerrykhat wrote “Catalyzing Agent” | unrated | Buffy/Mercedes Thompson Series | gen

Sherlock (BBC)

roane wrote “The Short, Strange Life of Doctor John Watson” | M | Doctor Who/Sherlock (BBC) | John Watson/Harry Watson

Sixth Sense
6thsensescribe wrote Assassin ( Chapter 7) | T | Star Wars/Sixth Sense | gen

Star Wars
6thsensescribe wrote Assassin ( Chapter 7) | T | Star Wars/Sixth Sense | gen

elpin wrote God's Permission ( Chapter 14) | R | Supernatural/Harry Potter | Harry/Castiel
moragmacpherson and dragonspell wrote “Penrose Stairs” | NC-17 | Inception/Supernatural (fusion AU) | Sam/Arthur, Arthur/Eames
xenoamorist wrote “In which there are two Jensen Ackles” | NC-17 | Supernatural/Ten Inch Hero | Dean/Priestly
xenoamorist wrote “The Beast I Rode Upon” | PG | Supernatural/Torchwood | gen

Ten Inch Hero
xenoamorist wrote “In which there are two Jensen Ackles” | NC-17 | Supernatural/Ten Inch Hero | Dean/Priestly

xenoamorist wrote “The Beast I Rode Upon” | PG | Supernatural/Torchwood | gen

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

inception, ten inch hero, gundam seed, buffy, alien, movie (gen), supernatural, mercedes thompson, deadwood, castle, alien vs. predator, torchwood, enchanted, battlestar galactica, doctor who, star wars, glee, harry potter, dollhouse, fight club, luther, sherlock, tv (gen), firefly

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