Volume 005, Issue 277

Oct 19, 2010 05:31

This issue covers October 18 in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!

sarcastic-fina recommended You & Me: A Chloe/Damon video Smallville/The Vampire Diaries

sarcastic-fina posted 14 Chloe/Damon - Manips Smallville/The Vampire Diaries


wild_force71 wrote "Light up the Sky, Chapter 2" PG, Charmed/Stargate Atlantis

Doctor Who
Uncharacteristically Feminine wrote "Big Damn Adventure, Chapter 3" K+, Firefly/Doctor Who

DayzeJane wrote "The Firefly Chronicles, Chapters 64-67" M, Firefly.Pitch Black: Riddick/River
Uncharacteristically Feminine wrote "Big Damn Adventure, Chapter 3" K+, Firefly/Doctor Who
Sharona Myles wrote "Earth That Was, Chapter 36 and 37" T, Firefly/Supernatural

Harry Potter
laurus_nobilis wrote "Great ideas" G, Merlin/Harry Potter

laurus_nobilis wrote "Great ideas" G, Merlin/Harry Potter

Pitch Black
DayzeJane wrote "The Firefly Chronicles, Chapters 64-67" M, Firefly.Pitch Black: Riddick/River

Silent Hill
sermocinare wrote "Nachtmahr, Part 3" R, Watchmen/Silent Hill

Stargate Atlantis
wild_force71 wrote "Light up the Sky, Chapter 2" PG, Charmed/Stargate Atlantis

Sharona Myles wrote "Earth That Was, Chapter 36 and 37" T, Firefly/Supernatural
emeraldsnakes wrote "Hammer of Time, Part 1" T, Torchwood/Supernatural

emeraldsnakes wrote "Hammer of Time, Part 1" T, Torchwood/Supernatural

sermocinare wrote "Nachtmahr, Part 3" R, Watchmen/Silent Hill

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

Note: We are looking for an additional editors for crossover_news. If you are interested in being an editor for our Saturday edition (posting the newsletter on Sunday), please leave a comment on any newsletter.

~Your editor,

silent hill, doctor who, watchmen, stargate: atlantis, harry potter, smallville, merlin, chronicles of riddick: pitch black, supernatural, vampire diaries, charmed, firefly, torchwood

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