This issue covers October 17 in crossover fandom.
All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!
ladymanson made a
Buffy/Dean manip.
The Second Annual Multifandom Comment Meme for writers and artists as started over at
sharp_teeth . Join
Battlestar Galactica
virtualperson wrote
The Winning Scenario, 8/? | NC-17 | Battlestar Galactica/Supernatural | Sam/Dean
CSI: Miami
hellokatzchen wrote
Shape of Things to Come | PG | CSI: Miami/NCIS | Tony DiNozzo/Ziva David
Doctor Who
backrose_17 wrote
Rising From the Ashes, 1/? | R | Doctor Who/Highlander/Torchwood | Jack/Ianto, Methos/Ianto, Rhys/Gwen, Rhys/Kathy, Andy/Amanda, Owen/Gwen, Owen/Cassandra, Caitlin/Tosh/Duncan, and Sean/Thalia
backrose_17 wrote
Magic Call, 1/? | PG-13 | Doctor Who/Merlin/Torchwood | Arthur/Merlin, Jack/Ianto, Doctor/Morgana, Tom/Martha, Andy/Tosh, Rhys/Gwen, Owen/Gwen, Rhys/Donna, Morgana/Lisa, John/Owen, Ianto/Morgana, hints of John/Ianto, some Morgana/Tosh, Tommy/Tosh, Mary/Tosh, past Suzie/Tosh, past Morgana/Gwen, past Lancelot/Gwen and past Morgana/Gwen/Lancelot
Dresden Files
aeron_lanart wrote
A Necessary Risk | PG | Dresden Files/Highlander
Ender's Game
lears_daughter wrote
Freedom to Choose | PG-13 | Ender's Game/Stargate: SG1/Stargate: Atlantis
Harry Potter
boosette wrote
Questions and Spells | NR | Harry Potter/NCIS
azuredragonlady wrote
The Best Method | K | Harry Potter/The Incredible Hulk
backrose_17 wrote
Rising From the Ashes, 1/? | R | Doctor Who/Highlander/Torchwood | Jack/Ianto, Methos/Ianto, Rhys/Gwen, Rhys/Kathy, Andy/Amanda, Owen/Gwen, Owen/Cassandra, Caitlin/Tosh/Duncan, and Sean/Thalia
aeron_lanart wrote
A Necessary Risk | PG | Dresden Files/Highlander
Lord of the Rings
caitri wrote
Where Now The Horse and the Rider | NC-17 | Lord of the Rings/Star Trek | Jim Kirk/Eomer
hellokatzchen wrote
Shape of Things to Come | PG | CSI: Miami/NCIS | Tony DiNozzo/Ziva David
emeraldsnakes wrote
International Cooperation | PG-13 | NCIS/Stargate/Torchwood | Evan Lorne/Ianto Jones/Tony DiNozzo
boosette wrote
Questions and Spells | NR | Harry Potter/NCIS
fonapola wrote
Crossing Kansas: Strange Behavior | PG-13 | Smallville/Supernatural
Stargate: Atlantis
finnishsphinx wrote
New Beginnings and Old Endings, 5/? | NC-17 | Stargate: Atlantis/The Mentalist | Evan Lorne/Patrick Jane
lears_daughter wrote
Freedom to Choose | PG-13 | Ender's Game/Stargate: SG1/Stargate: Atlantis
Stargate: SG1
emeraldsnakes wrote
International Cooperation | PG-13 | NCIS/Stargate/Torchwood | Evan Lorne/Ianto Jones/Tony DiNozzo
lears_daughter wrote
Freedom to Choose | PG-13 | Ender's Game/Stargate: SG1/Stargate: Atlantis
Star Trek
caitri wrote
Where Now The Horse and the Rider | NC-17 | Lord of the Rings/Star Trek | Jim Kirk/Eomer
fonapola wrote
Crossing Kansas: Strange Behavior | PG-13 | Smallville/Supernatural
virtualperson wrote
The Winning Scenario, 8/? | NC-17 | Battlestar Galactica/Supernatural | Sam/Dean
The Incredible Hulk
azuredragonlady wrote
The Best Method | K | Harry Potter/The Incredible Hulk
The Mentalist
finnishsphinx wrote
New Beginnings and Old Endings, 5/? | NC-17 | Stargate: Atlantis/The Mentalist | Evan Lorne/Patrick Jane
emeraldsnakes wrote
International Cooperation | PG-13 | NCIS/Stargate/Torchwood | Evan Lorne/Ianto Jones/Tony DiNozzo
backrose_17 wrote
Rising From the Ashes, 1/? | R | Doctor Who/Highlander/Torchwood | Jack/Ianto, Methos/Ianto, Rhys/Gwen, Rhys/Kathy, Andy/Amanda, Owen/Gwen, Owen/Cassandra, Caitlin/Tosh/Duncan, and Sean/Thalia
We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.
~Your editor,