Volume 005, Issue 031

Feb 02, 2010 22:00

This issue covers January 31st in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!

tsuki_no_bara made podfic of "The Space He Invades" by ladyjanelly, Supernatural/Dark Angel

creativexescape posted Sam/Summer and Seth/Brooke graphics, The OC/One Tree Hill, The OC/Supernatural


Austin Powers
ffutures wrote "The One Where Espresso Is Not Pumped", Not Rated, Austin Powers/NCIS

Back to the Future
dreamlittleyo wrote "Cosmic Significance or an Amazing Coincidence", Rated G, Back to the Future/Supernatural

destinyawakened and mjls wrote "Calling a Truce" Part 17, PG-13, Batman/Iron Man, Bruce/Tony

jedibuttercup wrote "Fugitive Apprehension", PG, Angel/Eureka
idontlikegravy wrote "Not an Echo" and "Ghosts", Not Rated, Buffy/Dollhouse, Buffy/Castle
emony2 wrote "Graceful Accidents", Not Rated, Buffy/Grey's Anatomy

idontlikegravy wrote "Not an Echo" and "Ghosts", Not Rated, Buffy/Dollhouse, Buffy/Castle

CSI (all)
milanthruil wrote "More His Speed" Part 23, NC-17, CSI:Miami/NCIS, Tony DiNozzo/Tim Speedle

Dark Angel
vilnolin wrote "Sojourns of the Winchester Clan" Part 5, R, Dark Angel/Supernatural

Doctor Who
joking wrote "A Wind From Another World", All Ages, Doctor Who/His Dark Materials, Nine/Jack/Rose

idontlikegravy wrote "Not an Echo" and "Ghosts", Not Rated, Buffy/Dollhouse, Buffy/Castle

jedibuttercup wrote "Fugitive Apprehension", PG, Angel/Eureka

Grey's Anatomy
emony2 wrote "Graceful Accidents", Not Rated, Buffy/Grey's Anatomy

moonlettuce wrote "Carved by Another's Hand", NC-17, Hellblazer/Supernatural, John Constantine/Castiel

His Dark Materials
joking wrote "A Wind From Another World", All Ages, Doctor Who/His Dark Materials, Nine/Jack/Rose

bironic wrote "One Night in Princeton", House/Stargate: Atlantis, Remy Hadley/Radek Zelenka

Iron Man
destinyawakened and mjls wrote "Calling a Truce" Part 17, PG-13, Batman/Iron Man, Bruce/Tony

lmx_v3point3 wrote "The Superior Teacher", PG, Leverage/Marvel

lmx_v3point3 wrote "The Superior Teacher", PG, Leverage/Marvel

milanthruil wrote "More His Speed" Part 23, NC-17, CSI:Miami/NCIS, Tony DiNozzo/Tim Speedle
ffutures wrote "The One Where Espresso Is Not Pumped", Not Rated, Austin Powers/NCIS

Pride and Prejudice
jedibuttercup wrote "A Faithful Narrative", PG, Pride and Prejudice/Stargate SG-1

Star Trek (All Series)
reezoo wrote "From Among the Dead" Part 6, PG-13, Vertigo/Star Trek XI, Kirk/McCoy, Kirk/Spock
azephirin wrote "To Lay Me Down", NC-17, Star Trek XI/Supernatural, Pike/Ellen

Stargate Atlantis & Stargate SG-1
jedibuttercup wrote "A Faithful Narrative", PG, Pride and Prejudice/Stargate SG-1
bironic wrote "One Night in Princeton", House/Stargate: Atlantis, Remy Hadley/Radek Zelenka

azephirin wrote "To Lay Me Down", NC-17, Star Trek XI/Supernatural, Pike/Ellen
moonlettuce wrote "Carved by Another's Hand", NC-17, Hellblazer/Supernatural, John Constantine/Castiel
vilnolin wrote "Sojourns of the Winchester Clan" Part 5, R, Dark Angel/Supernatural
dreamlittleyo wrote "Cosmic Significance or an Amazing Coincidence", Rated G, Back to the Future/Supernatural

reezoo wrote "From Among the Dead" Part 6, PG-13, Vertigo/Star Trek XI, Kirk/McCoy, Kirk/Spock

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Livejournal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

marvel comics, grey's anatomy, batman, buffy, pride & prejudice, supernatural, csi: miami, house m.d., castle, back to the future, iron man, stargate: sg-1, hellblazer, doctor who, stargate: atlantis, austin powers, dollhouse, dark angel, one tree hill, leverage, star trek, the o.c., ncis, vertigo, eureka

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