SUMMARY ~ Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai [FULL]

Oct 30, 2011 18:08

Posting here unlocked in case others want to share without reposting the full text for an unlocked entry!

First loves never last; I knew that from the very beginning. )

セカコイ, 日本語

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pkikuda October 30 2011, 15:03:35 UTC
I used to dislike (a little) Yokozawa. B-But now, well, I love him!!! OMG!! I JUST LOVED THIS PAIRING!!!
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! For sharing this with us!!!
But I still think that the whole thing about who was the uke it's still not answered! Anyway, I looooved!!!


crossinthenight October 30 2011, 15:10:01 UTC
Well it's pretty clearly implied that Yokozawa was not on bottom with Takano so...that seems to make it clear? I'm not seeing the ambiguity--Yokozawa just didn't want to discuss his past since it was his past (plus he didn't want to let on that he wasn't experienced in bottoming, because he knew Kirishima would tease him).


pkikuda October 30 2011, 15:34:19 UTC
Ehhh? Hontouni? ((((;゚Д゚)))))
Maybe it's just my brain refusing to accept a Takano........ well........uke. *facepalm*
But in the same way, my brain couldn't accept a Yokozawa uke... (Yeah, I'm weird.)
But you know, to me, the fact that Kirishima was the first for Takano was so kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Thanks for enlighten me!!! ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘

P.S. I really wanted them to do an episode with "the Yokozawa baai"!♥♥


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teresaborrego November 4 2011, 00:34:21 UTC
i dunno i hate the thought of takano being an uke, especially if he only shows that side to yoko but not to ritsu. its disappointing.


crossinthenight November 4 2011, 00:46:34 UTC
It wasn't a matter of him "showing a side" to anyone--it was a matter of him not caring at all and Yokozawa being the only one who wanted sex. He wasn't going to make the move to push Yokozawa down, so he didn't attempt to do so (he couldn't even feed himself; how was he going to push through his feelings for Ritsu to have sex with Yokozawa, a friend, when he was already getting satisfied sexually with women?), and Yokozawa didn't want anyone touching him in such a vulnerable place, so he wasn't going to bottom of his own volition (at least not the first time with another guy).

The only person with any emotional attachment in that encounter was Yokozawa, and Takano regretted it as soon as they'd done it. It's just how things went :/


teresaborrego November 4 2011, 00:56:57 UTC
wow , interesting answer. thanks for taking the time to reply! it was a thought provoking answer. i can see the way it could happen, since takano was in such a vulnerable state. kinda creepy of yoko to be with someone so out of it, if you think about it. but i guess he couldnt let the chance go by. lol


crossinthenight November 4 2011, 01:10:43 UTC
Yeah >_< I might generally agree--but they were both drunk, so that puts it in a bit more context. Yokozawa wasn't thinking as straight (lol) as he typically would have and made moves he probably wouldn't in a less inhibited state, and Takano let things go because he just wanted to be close with someone he cared about right then and was too drunk to think about the consequences and how it might permanently damage their relationship. So I can't REALLY fault either of them.

For a long time, I really disapproved of Takano for having sex with Ritsu while he was really drunk--so drunk he couldn't even properly differentiate Takano and Saga--until you took into account the fact that Takano wasn't entirely sober himself and that they'd both been holding back their feelings anyways. Still not ideal, but more easily understood.


teresaborrego November 4 2011, 01:33:38 UTC
yeah it bugged me that takano was with ritsu when he was drunk. but honestly that wasnt nearly as disturbing to me as what happened between chiaki and tori. i dont know if you've ever read about their first time. but as i read it, as a woman i felt so creeped out. the way chiaki expressed himself, the fear and horror he felt that his most trusted friend was raping him, it was hard to read. it sucks because they are my favorite couple in the anime. it bugs me that this didnt become an issue, and even though he was raped he didnt seem to fear sex at all, which was strange.


crossinthenight November 4 2011, 02:13:25 UTC
If you've read it in English, chances are you read my translation of it, so...yes, I have read it :| I absolutely despise the Domestica pairing for that reason and can't fathom how anyone in their right mind could find redeeming qualities in it. Rape can be handled tactfully in BL, but it rarely is, and this was one spectacular example of it NOT being handled well. Heck, even in Romantica, at least Usagi-san eventually apologized and felt genuine remorse for pushing Misaki too far too fast (though at least they were already in a relationship and it wasn't like Usagi just sprang it on Misaki out of the blue). If Hatori looked like he felt one bit of contrition, that would be one thing--but instead, he just emotionally blackmails Chiaki into being in a relationship with him, gets angry when he continues to treat Hatori like a friend, gets jealous and aggressive and overprotective when he should be worshipping the ground Chiaki walks on for not calling the police on his ass :/ Ugh.


teresaborrego November 4 2011, 07:11:31 UTC
i know, rape is rarely handled well in manga, but i can usually ignore it because the guy "loves" the uke and i tell myself its fiction. but that scene with chiaki and hatori, really creeped me out for some reason. the writer did well in showing us his horror and pain, only to leave us with a person thats not even traumatized. i prefer the anime version, they make it look like hatori finally broke, and forced a kiss on chiaki, that you can tell chiaki likes.

the only time i have seen rape handled a little more realistically was in the manga awakening puberty. i still dont like rape, but i like that the rapist who is also the best friend of the main character feels remorse, and at the end says its important he never forgets what happened because he never wants to cause the person he loves so much pain. the manga shows how rape causes fear and trauma.


madmangalove November 12 2011, 08:30:55 UTC
i was wondering where can i read the english translation of chiaki and tori?


crossinthenight November 12 2011, 08:36:20 UTC
There are no translations of the novels, and no plans to make any either, as far as I know :| Few people have the patience to translate novels to begin with, and even fewer tolerate the pairing enough to bother.


madmangalove November 13 2011, 05:19:29 UTC
aw i see =( after reading your discussion about chiaki and tori, i was curious and hoping to read their background story too. well, i guess i'll wait til someone does translate! thanks anyways!


tinni November 19 2011, 13:52:34 UTC
If you don't mind, may I have a link to your translation of the Chaki x Tori book? I haven't seen it and would like to read it to get a better picture of Chaki x Tori relationship.


crossinthenight November 19 2011, 13:56:59 UTC

It's ONLY the rape scene, as I'm not touching anything else by them :| That scene ruined everything else after them, and I don't intend to ever dirty myself with their relationship again :|


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