Even so....God is still awesome :-)

Oct 08, 2004 20:05

today has been a tough one for me...while i know in my mind that trials in life are a way for christians to truely shine...that doesn't make it much easier to go through. my trial this time? my car. it won't start. i talked to some people...my dad, les (a really cool guy at work), and ben about what the problem could be...i changed the spark plugs, pulled the air filter and checked it (fine), checked all my fuses (replaced one burnt one), well you get the point...anyway, still doesn't start and i'm thinking that it may be the fuel filter or the fuel pump. ok so maybe this doesn't seem that bad...everybody has bad days and today was just your day you say. but you know those days when not only do you have some bad things happen to you but also no matter what you do it seems like life and God and all forces of good and evil are against you...and absolutely nothing goes right...anyway, today was one of those days. but no matter what happened today, i'm good and tired and my bed is going to feel really good and tomorrow is going to come at me brand new. Even through all of this God is still awesome...He is my God...God Almighty.

p.s. who are you oh master craig to think that you deserve help from God Almighty?! You are not worthy to open your eyes to another day. But God is worthy of all your praise from now to forever and eternity...but you are incapable of that...you have failed so go! Get as low to the groud as you can, but that's not low enough...dig a pit and bury yourself but you're not far enough down...who are you, o man, to raise your head to the living God...God Almighty.
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