Falling From Heaven

Oct 05, 2004 22:22

God has knocked me on the head with some things in the last couple of days...they've just fallen right down from heaven and popped me one on the head. The main thing that I got popped with though was today on my way walking out of work. I got a phone call from Bonni that had a message something like this "oh no, I wanted you, not your answering machine" and then she hung up...anyway, needless to say I had no idea what she called about. I thought that maybe she wanted to hang out...

Backing up...I've been thinking about something Bonni posted on LJ...
"Chris wants to go to the beach tomorrow, and he wants me and any other friends to go with him. It would be a fun activity, but it's been such an active week!! Woodburns' on Tuesday, Bible study on Wednesday, Dixie Stampede on Thursday, John Kerry and a Chinese restaurant on Friday, Fort Wilderness on Saturday, and the Peabody today on Sunday. Do I really need to "hang out" every day? Guess I know who I should be talking to about this...."

This got me thinking about the whole "hanging out" thing...while I'm not questioning whether hanging out is right or wrong, I've been thinking about how we glorify God when we do hang out. Hanging out is such a big part of my life that it needs to glorify God or I need to stop doing it.

Back to walking out from work...my initial reaction to Bonni's phone call was to call her back and see if she wanted to hang out...i didn't have anything that pressing to get done anyway (laundry, cleaning, etc.).

That's when God popped me on the head...I want to glorify God in my hanging out as with everything else. But i can't do this...I even told God that I'm not capable of keeping my focus on Him while I'm just hanging out. Okay, He said. It was that simple. Okay, I understand that you're not capable of this, thank you for telling me, just let me handle it then. Give it to me and trust me with it. So that's what I did...I prayed when I got home that no matter what I did tonight, that God would be glorified by it...and I trust Him to work everything out.

While I didn't hang out tonight, I got some much needed stuff done and i thank God for that. I truely believe that I did what God wanted me to do tonight, and that's an awesome feeling! Its awesome to know that God has simple answers like "Okay", and He's not really philosophical. Once again...God is awesome! Thank you God for popping me one.
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