You don’t know what it means to win

Jul 21, 2009 04:19

This is what happens when we really focus. With the goal of getting just about everything for I9 wrapped up a week early - thereby enabling us to get as far ahead on Issue 10 as possible before WorldCon - I forbade myself most of my usual distractions and really threw myself into it. Not counting short breaks, I probably spent a good 10 hours on CG today.

The result: The pdf, prc and kindle editions of Issue 9 all got started and finished today. On top of that, all the content pages for the website were created and filled/formatted. At this point, pretty much all that remains to have Issue 9 ready for Release Day is to update my MS Word templates for some of the other pages on the website (the front page, the Archives, etc.). There are still other things to do - like sending out contracts & payments, approving the proof of the Print edition when it arrives (I ordered that today too), and activating the print and kindle editions when it’s time. But still - the most time-consuming parts of what was left are just about complete - I’ll wrap up the website templates tomorrow, and see about getting contracts and payments sorted. That shouldn’t take more than another day or two, which should leave us with a solid week to focus on getting ahead with Issue 10.

I am very, VERY happy right now!

BTW I’m not sure if I mentioned it, but Kay has secured 2 nonfic articles for Issue 10 that we’re quite pleased to have. We don’t have them yet, but we will, and they’re going to be great. The I-10 cover is coming along, too. We’re also going to take a bit of time during the last week of July to try and nail down some not-fiction content for Issue 11 (Horror).

And thanks to those who responded to yesterday’s post, letting me know you’re still reading the blog. I wasn’t fishing, honest, but it’s still nice to hear.

Originally published at Crossed Genres. You can comment here or there.

release day, nonfiction, issue 010, prc edition, issue 011, worldcon, kindle edition, planning ahead, submissions, pdf edition, cg blog, online edition, print edition, issue 009

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