Big surprise, we're S.O.L.

Nov 04, 2010 13:49

Alright, so her plumber showed up this morning and I ran through the place with him. I'm not a plumber but I do understand pipe layouts and how the lines would've been laid out in the walls, so we agree on where the pipes run and that the water damage I showed you is nowhere near the pipes... again that should be a major concern. So the perfect storm scenario was laid out like this to us by the plumber.

The gal that lives there said she had no cold water in the morning. Sometimes people will shut off the water valves at the front of the building that control the cold water, so this is possible. Then she must have left the sink on and when the water came back on she wasn't there and it overflowed the bathroom sink. Bam, there's your cause. Simple enough eh?...

So ultimately he replaced the soft lines under the sink (from the wall tap to the faucets) and called it good for now. He acknowledges that she does have a real problem in there, he just can't specify what it is. And until something major happens she's not going to touch it. There's also lots of black mold inside there too from the water leaking, again not touching it.

The lady that lives there is fed up with it and staying in a hotel for now, but she says she's leaving and expects to be compensated for the hotel and some other things. She's taking it to the extreme really and I don't think (looking at how things are stacking up) she understands that she needs to take this to civil court to get anything good out of this situation.

I also called the county and there's no action that they can take. So at this point I'm not grossly affected by all of this, but it's a concern given that it's happening over my garage. Plus it's really unsettling to think of the living conditions in that place with soggy floorboards... what a mess this is becoming.
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