What the fuck did I do to piss someone off up there so bad?

Nov 03, 2010 22:14

Jeezus H Crist what the hell did I do to piss off someone so bad up there this week?! So I get the call to go pick up my replacement tires for the Mazda. I go down there and they ring me up for twice the price I was expecting. I thought maybe they accidentally ordered a set of four instead of two tires. So I watched them working on the car and the guy comes out with the tires... which look distinctly not like what's on the car. The size is right sure... but they're summer performance tires with the stupid colored rubber strip so you can do colored smoke burnouts, not all season tires. He tells me that's what the computer says is the stock tires. And I say, buuuuuut they look nothing like the ones that are on the caaarrrrr... so he admitted he ordered the wrong ones and will be getting the right ones ordered... fuuuuck.

Now, that's just a speedbump of suck for today, cause this week hasn't been shit enough... soooo just for fun, we add shit! quite literally. I found water on the tire in the garage... and considering the corner I had it sitting in the last couple of days, that's VERY not normal. I turn on the light and look up to find...

That ceiling was white yesterday by the way when I went in the garage. I think it's pretty goddamned obvious that the sewer pipe in the condo above my garage burst. I talked to the lady that rents the place upstairs and asked her if she had a leak. She was telling me that when she got home her carpets were wet and she had been using her steam cleaner for two hours on the rugs already. I told her that it looked like a sewer leak and she just stopped. *ewwwww* We both called her landlord who owns the condo. Her response was to call the repair man for the homeowners association, that was it.

She's also going to have "her" plumber come out and look at it in the morning. This guy ripped the hole in the ceiling you see in one picture and never fixed it when I had complained about a leak in the ceiling coming again from her unit. The seal on her tub drain has been leaking for over a year, but her special plumber claims it's coming from another unit. He explained this to me by showing me that the dripping coming from her tub was not coming from her tub by showing me the leak coming from her tub which was not coming from her tub... WTF? I let that slide because (a) I'm too nice and (b) she clearly wasn't going to admit fault and would've forced me to take her to court on it. This time I can't wait to see how he passes of the stains on the ceiling as something non-chalant. I am of course assuming that she won't step up and accept that she now has a *very* uninhabitable unit to rent.

I will be calling the county in the morning as well to make sure someone tests/checks to make sure that it is indeed sewage contamination, and that as such she fixes this right. I don't want black mold in my garage because of some fucking slum lord. If the county has to condemn the property to make sure that she fixes it, then I'm all for it. I told the lady renting there (and her two little girls) to get a hotel for the night and not sleep in there because of the contamination. That should be the first in a long line of bills the lady that actually owns that place should be getting for this mess. This is not going to be pretty, whether she admits to what's wrong or has to be forced into it. Sewage contamination inside of floors and walls is about the worst thing to have happen. This will not be an easy or cheap fix, but it's not on me to cover it, and that's a good thing at this point.

The 65 Stang is still stuck in the garage so I'll probably have them take it up to the house on a flatbed tow rig to clear the garage and charge her the bill for that mess. This is going to be a hell of an inconvenience and a mess no matter what.
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