Title:This Tree With All Its Broken Branches
equal-to-kCrossover: Avengers/Teen Wolf
Type: Family-oriented gen with some background slash
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 23,500
Characters/Pairings: Clint & Derek, Clint/Coulson, Derek, Stiles (some Derek/Stiles pre-slash). The rest of the Avengers and Teen Wolf casts are there as well, but don't feature as prominently.
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: As far as Clint is concerned, Clinton Hale died in the fire that killed most of his family seven years ago. After following his two remaining siblings to New York in secret to ensure they were safe, he took a new name and became an Omega, a lone wolf. The guilt he felt for his part in the blaze wouldn't allow him to do anything else, and as a wolf without a pack, he probably would have died the messy death he deserved if Phil Coulson hadn't found him.
Now, years later, he gets word that his sister is dead and his brother is back in California, starting a new pack. Guilt, curiosity, and a loyalty he’s never been able to shake have him making his way back to Beacon Hills, where he will be confronted by the family he left behind and the answers to questions he never knew to ask.
Author’s Notes: AU after season 2 of Teen Wolf. Beyond that, this story is canon-compliant with both the Avengers movieverse and Teen Wolf.
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