Title: The Growing curve
jjjanimefanArtist:not claimed
Crossover: Bandom: Panic at the disco/Glee
Type: (Gen, Het, or Slash) slash
Word Count:~17500
Characters/Pairings:Finn Hudson/Brendon Urie
Warnings:, some swearing, reference to sexual situations, random song lyrics
Spoilers:Glee season 1-2
Summary:Due to a twist of fate, Finn Hudson ends up as a tech on baby Panic's first tour. Brendon decides he has another victim for piggyback rides and Disney movies and Finn is used to Sue Sylvester type chaos so he fits right in. He's also developing some feelings for his hyperactive frontman, but is determined to put them aside, because Brendon is famous and talented, while he's just a tech on his tour. It's not until those feelings start becoming mutual that the real problems start.
So Finn is running away, Brendon isn't sure what he wants and everyone just wants them to stop with the drama already.
Author’s Notes:The Glee part is a bit AU for my own purposes and indepth knowledge of Glee isn't required, you just need to know that Sebastian Smythe is pretty much an asshole. The Glee timeline has been moved so it happens before Panic gets signed therefore Finn is actually older than Brendon.
Link to Story Master Post:
here on my journalLink to Art Master Post:not claimed, maybe next time