(no subject)

Feb 15, 2010 16:21


Character Name & Journal: Sagramore, crophisownose
Species (human/alien/vampire/other?): Human
Extra-human/abnormal abilities, if any?: None


1. Is it okay for your character's thoughts to be read/their mind to be probed? Y/N/Ask first: Y.

2. Is it okay for any of your character’s intense/distressing memories to be seen/heard/read in this situation? Y/N/Ask first: Y

3. What kind of mind does your character have? Are they disturbed at all? Are their thoughts ordered or jumbled? He's fairly disorganised right now, mainly because he's so stressed. Also, when he's pre- or post-seizure there's a lot of jumbled-up nonsense.

4. Is it okay for your character’s emotions to be sensed? Y

5. Does your character have a weak or strong mind? Are they susceptible to influence or hypnotism? Not keen on his losing his free will. Honestly, if you want him to do something, show a little leg and he'll probably do it just fine on his own.

6. Does your character have supernatural/mental fortification against mind-reading? Nope!

7. In the case of characters who are extra-sentient/psychic and can just 'know' things about people, can the muns of these characters use the powers of Wikipedia to get information about your character? Yes but Wikipedia is rather scarce on details? A better source might be here for backstory. And a href="http://stellae.dreamthoughts.org/2008/casual-match/">here for what's going on now.

8. If so, is there anything that should absolutely never ever be brought up? He hits people who trash Mordred or Gawain or his mother.

9. Anything that should absolutely be brought up? N.

10. Will thoughts in the narration be up for grabs? If so, how will you indicate these? Italics/strikes/something else? Y--if he's thinking it it'll either be in italics or very inclusive third-person narration.

11. Does your character have any fears/phobias that you wouldn't mind being exploited? Ones that you'd like to NOT be exploited? He's terrified of being alone and unloved, and also of people being grossed out by his epilepsy. Apart from that he's pretty chill.


1. Is it okay for your character to be affected by chemical agents? Fear toxins, for example?: To a degree! Ask first, please.

2. Does your character have any unique biological difference that would affect their resistance to toxins/chemical substances?: Not resistance; he's actually more susceptible.

3. Does your character have any notable genetic/supernatural/biological difference that would make their blood in any way different to a regular baseline human's (that would make them taste different if they were fed on by a vampire, for example)? N.


1. How okay are you with your character coming to physical harm? Very okay, but run it by me first anyway (unless it's something basic, like getting hit for being a jerk).

2. How okay are you with your character's home/possessions being targeted by bad guys? It's fine.

3. Can your character be impacted by telekinesis? Yes, but ask first.

4. With regard to vampires, would your character be willing to be a donor? If he were getting sex in exchange, it's probably a given. He does have a creep threshold, so some vampires would be ineligible, but.

5. If no, then how about unwilling? If he were creeped out, then very unwilling to the point of defending himself with weaponry.

6. With regard to shapeshifters, are you okay with having those with this power taking the shape of your character? El. oh. el. yes.

7. If your character has any superhuman abilities, would you be okay with these being replicated by those who have the power to absorb/take on the powers of others? N/A

8. In a physical confrontation, is it okay if characters who have the power to sense/foresee/predict movements use this to their advantage against your character? Yes.


1. Can your character be influenced and tempted by demons and suchlike? Dear Lord yes.

2. If yes, which sins are most prominent in your character? Lust. >_> With a side helping of Wrath.

3. Could your character be glamoured (a form of mind control employed by vampires to make humans compliant/alter their memories etc.)? It's fine to alter his perceptions, but not his free will, so no mind control, please.

4. Can your character be possessed, again by demons?: Same.

5. Can your character's presence be sensed, by characters with the power to read auras/pick up generalized vibes from people? Y.

6. If yes, what about your character can be sensed? (Which sins, any supernatural aspect about them, how strong a character is mentally/physically/emotionally, any traits that would really stand out): Y. He's quite ill and that is to a degree reflected physically; he's incredibly loyal to Mordred; if you're nice he probably wants to sleep with you.

7. With regard to characters that can sense danger/receive visions/predict general doom, are you okay with your character being the subject of any of this, if the occasion arises? XD Y.


1. With regard to characters that like to snoop, can they find anything that's been publicly said by your character through the tablets? Y/N/Maybe?: Y.

2. How about privately?: Y, he sucks at technology.

3. Is there anything you'd especially like to be known about your character, for the purposes of amusement? Nothing particularly.

4. Anything you especially don't?: Same.


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