[list] May 2018 Fic Roundup

Jul 08, 2018 11:35


Word count: 13,823
Fic(let)s: 5
Fandoms: 5


9. Now only is there certainty for me: Harley/Ivy (E; 3,003 words; 28 May 2018)
Ivy hates human emotion, yet she can't deny having feelings for Harley. So she decides to do something about them.

10. I miss the days when I pretended with you : Dick/Jason (E; 3,166 words; 30 May 2018)
When Jason is transformed into an octopus from the waist down, Dick doesn't speak to him anymore. Jason needs to find out why.

Batman (Rebirth)
3. the hole in my foundation is all-consuming: Joker/Riddler (T; 500 words; 10 May 2018)
He once waged a war on this man to make him laugh, because what bigger puzzle is there than a joker who can't laugh? He'd intended to solve it. It remains to be solved. Set after the War of Jokes and Riddles.

Batman: Arkham Knight
8. My head is like a loaded gun: Jason/Slade (M; 3,230 words; 27 May 2018)
His first weeks with Deathstroke are painful. Not physically - Slade's blows are love taps compared to Joker's crowbar treatment - so much as they are painful to his pride.

Birds of Prey

6. that flame now alive under my skin: Barbara/Dinah (G; 250 words; 20 May 2018)
With the hours they keep, breakfast might as well be a late night snack, but it's a moment of peace during their hectic lives they can enjoy together.

Black Lightning

7. the hole in my foundation is all-consuming: Anissa/Chenoa (T; 200 words; 21 May 2018)
They met at a friend's wedding, where they were introduced to each other because of course they'd hit it off just because they were both gay. Inwardly, Anissa rolled her eyes.

The Raven Cycle

2. Seven counts in which I can't wait now: Helen/Orla (T; 250 words; 04 May 2018)
Orla has to admit she's a little impressed when Helen leads her to her own private helicopter.

5. You're stupid just like your smartphone: Kavinsky/Ronan (T; 2,474 words; 13 May 2018)
There are many things Ronan thinks Kavinsky and his crew are capable of. Enjoying the Eurovision Song Contest, however, would not have made the list before tonight.

Red Hood/Arsenal

1. I love you, you're the worst: Jason/Roy (M; 500 words; 03 May 2018)
"If I win, I get to watch you masturbate." He shouldn’t have agreed to that.

Suicide Squad (Comics)

4. Everything: a relation. Nothing fixed.: Harley/Zalika (T; 250 words; 11 May 2018)
Alone in her cell, Hack dreams of Harley.

Crossposted from dreamwidth.

character: dinah lance, p: dick/jason, list: fics, f: batman, p: barbara/dinah, p: jason/slade, character: barbara gordon, character: joker, character: slade wilson, f: birds of prey, character: dick grayson, character: poison ivy, p: harley/ivy, character: jason, f: black lightning, character: edward, !monthly, f: batman: arkham knight, character: harley quinn, f: suicide squad, character: anissa pierce

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