[list] April 2018 Fic Roundup

May 10, 2018 00:34

The month I announce I want to fill at least one Harley Quinn prompt per month, I don't do it. No surprises there. What is surprising is that I managed to write at all even though I was so busy.


Word count: 2,401
Fic(let)s: 4
Fandoms: 4

Batman and Harley Quinn

1. you're burning like a fire in my head: Harley/Dick (T; 100 words; 04 April 2018)
Harley's bored, but she's definitely not waiting for anything.

Justice League

2. as I race to comprehend what I'm taking in: Barry/Victor (G; 150 words; 08 April 2018)
Barry is happy to have someone he can communicate with at lightning speed.

Red Hood/Arsenal

3. I'll be your bodyguard 'cause you're my bestie: Jason/Roy (G; 100 words; 08 April 2018)
He'd beat up anyone for Jason, no questions asked, with or without wound aftercare. (Though with makes the whole thing all the more worthwhile.)

Titans (Comics)

4. I’d go to hell and back with you: Roy/Wally (M; 2,051 words; 13 April 2018)
They kiss until Wally's back melds against the door, made pliable by Roy's hands brushing his ribs, his backside, his shoulders, anything to convince himself that Wally is solid, that he's real, that he's back.

Crossposted from dreamwidth.

pairing: roy/wally, character: roy, character: wally west, f: dcu, f: titans, character: jason, f: batman and harley quinn, !monthly, f: justice league, pairing: roy/jason, pairing: barry/victor, character: barry allen, character: harley quinn, p: dick/harley

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