Snowflake Challenge: Day 6 & Currently Reading Wednesday

Jan 06, 2016 19:04

Day 6

In your own space, create your own challenge. What’s something you want to see more people doing in fandom? Is there something you’ve tried that you think other people would enjoy if they gave it a go? Dare your friends to try it out, and have fun with it. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

So, I'll be uninspired yet again and repeat what others have written:

1. Try something new. (In life, in fandom, wherever. Try a new recipe, a book, or a new activity.)

2. Work on a WIP.

3. Leave feedback on a work that has no comments yet. (It doesn't have to be in-depth, something simple as "I enjoyed this!" will certainly make the creator's day.)

Previous Days:
Day 1 (DW) - Day 2: Wish list (DW | LJ) - Day 3: Self-recs (DW | LJ) - Day 4: New fanwork (DW | LJ) - Day 5: Comment


Onto the reading (ganked from doreyg):

Just finished: Rann-Thanagar War. The last real book I read was Good Morning, Midnight by Jean Rhys.

Currently reading: The OMAC Project. Currently stalled because I can't find Superman v2 #219. Also been reading a Kindle book called The Memory Effect during commutes.

Coming up: Once I get back to the library, I want to see if they have Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz available.

Crossposted from dreamwidth.

meme, reading, dw: snowflake-challenge

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