Jun 16, 2006 23:50
I just cleaned, wiped, and bleached every surface in the kitchen and threw out a possibly good potato, all in the interest of wiping out the flies. There is nowhere else for them to feed. Begone, flies!
Now I'm extremely warm, making this update on my laptop ill advised. Oh well.
One and a half more days with the chilluns. I feel like kind of a bad person- this is definitely the least attached I've ever been to kids I've babysat. Ironic, as it is certainly the most lucrative, and probably one of the easiest jobs I've ever had. Again I say, oh well.
Now I'm just waiting for my laundry to be done. I should go fold what I have. And find something better to watch than Leno.
Myles is off driving across the country. This is good, because he is driving across the country in a car that he now owns and which he will use to drive us to work, thus ending my love affair with LA Buses 33/333 and 204. It was fun, but not that fun. Had I been a different kind of person with a different kind of mind, I would feel called to run metro systems- there's just something beautiful about a well-run public transportation system. And something so frustrating about a not terribly efficient one, like LA's. I guess I would have had trouble affording an 8 dollar trip all summer, a la the wonderfully efficient system of London. It's always a tradeoff, eh? Hmm... what was I getting at? Oh, yes, I miss Myles. But he'll be back on Tuesday, unless he dies or is kidnapped at a sketchy truck stop. And I specifically warned him not to die... so he better heed my words.
This summer has been surprisingly easy and good and wonderful and free of difficulty so far. And I have made a great deal more money than I anticipated. I'm going to use that money for a trip to LA, and, with luck, a trip to Alabama, and, of course, my future life in the real world. Gah. And perhaps a spring break trip? Eh? Eh?
Maybe the best part of this summer has been the fact that I feel like, beyond the complete lack of idea concerning what kind of job/graduate school I should pursue, I can actually survive post-Notre Dame. I just need to learn how to get health insurance. How does one get health insurance?
These are questions for the coming year. For now, I shall surf cable tv for a superior viewing experience. :) I heart summer.